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Spectatorship and Our Perception of the World

Essay Instructions:

This essay should have one introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Since I already wrote the introduction and two body paragraphs, write one more body paragraph with a topic sentence and two quotes of how they relate to each other by following the thesis statement. Add more analysis on what I did in the first two body paragraph. The length of three body paragraphs should be almost equal to each other. No outside resources are required and one body paragraph should only have two quotes( you can look up what I did in the first two body paragraph). The peer review is what our teacher looking for. Please follow the peer review and the grading criteria. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Spectatorship and Our Perception of the World Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Spectatorship and Our Perception of the World Often what people see, what they believe, and the reality is a different existence. This is because people tend to see only the surface when they accept things, but they cannot understand the meaning behind them. In Maggie Nelson's article "Great to watch," the author reveals how media outlets on television attract attention and guide them in their behavior of separating each other. The information on television induces and separates people's distances simply because people pay attention only to what is happening in front of them, regardless of why they see it. On the other hand, Martha Stout in her narration "" argues that her patients, although the body exists When I Woke Up Tuesday Morning, it was Friday, in reality, the spirit and consciousness produced are dissociated with reality situation. At the same time, another author, Andrew Solomon, recounted his special identity in his article "Son," making the cognitive system in society unable to accept his presence as a homosexual identity and trying to isolate himself and stay at a distance from others. As can be seen from the stories of the three authors, the reality that people see deceives them to some extent and weakens and separates the relationships between people. Therefore, spectatorship makes people pay attention only to superficial behavior and identity expression, but gives up the exploration of the meaning behind its existence; in the process, the distance between people is also severed. It is this sense of spectatorship that makes people lose their meaning of life. Just because one person or a group of people are doing a particular thing in a certain way that is applauded by the majority does not mean that we should praise them without questioning. For us to experience life fully, we have to come out of our comfort zone and stand to stand for the truth and resist the spectatorship in life. People have no control over what they see, and they tend to believe what they see, which are why the spectatorship often deceives people. In Solomon's story, as a member of a particular identity group, he is often ostracized by the inherent prejudices of outside society; This is because the behavior expressed by Solomon's identity makes people feel uncomfortable when they see it. Solomon states, “To look deep into your child’s eyes and see in him both yourself and something utterly strange, and then to develop a zealous attachment to every aspect of him, is to achieve parenthood’s self-regarding, yet unselfish, abandon.” (373) Solomon tells how parents should enhance their contact with their children and support their identity through attention and intimacy. Solomon's mother, however, did not choose to support his identity at the outset; it was because Solomon's mother could only see his son become gay, but did not care how Solomon's true spiritual world was. At the same time, Nelson said of this visual blind spot, “The legal, ethical, and psychological ramifications of such shows have occasioned quite a bit of debate, as these effects have often proved unmanageable.” (301) what is played on television often has some non-manageable and irreversible social effects, because people only believe what they see, but are reluctant to delve into why they believe it. Humans are visually driven animals, a nature that makes the surface of external things often deceiving them. The craze of spectatorship has brainwashed the majority because most people think that the authorities are always right. An example is a group which goes by the name, “Use a Predator to Catch a Predator”. This group operates as a government-sponsored department. The group aims to counter crime and prostitution activities in the UK. Sarcastically, the members consist of the police and vigilantes. The team's operations are questionable since it hires people who are decoys. They pretend to be underage and entice their predators over the online chats for sex. When one of the sex-hungry adults agrees to go and meet the teens who are decoys, he meets the police and is locked in. It proves the extent to which our world is rotten, but most people will praise the authority of their “cleanliness”. People are biased against what they see, mainly because environmental factors bring those preconceived ideas and interfere with their subjective judgments. In Stout's article, one of her patients was in the cinema but separated from reality. Stout describes, “Not only is he no longer worried about work; he no longer realizes that he has a job. If one could read his thoughts, one would discover that he no longer believes he is sitting in a theatre, though in reality, he is.” (427) The patient's experience is a perfect revelation of why people are in a state of separation in the process of "watching"; that is bec...
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