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Resistans and Activism by Aboriginal Peoples in Canada

Essay Instructions:
This is an Inequality and Social Justice Course! You have to write a short essays which will give you an opportunity to demonstrate that you have read and thought about the assigned readings. Mostly, they are meant to provide you with an opportunity to explore your own ideas on the course material and further enrich your class contributions. Though there is no set formula for a successful think piece, it is essential that you focus on analyzing rather than summarizing readings. For example, you may wish to make analytical links between readings, discuss readings in relation to past or ongoing conflicts, and/or explain why you are for or against an author'sparticular theory or idea. Topic:Resistance and Activism by Aboriginal Peoples in Canada Sources: 1. Miller, J.R. “Meech, Oka, Charlottetown, Nass, and Ottawa.” In Skyscrapers hide the heavens: a history of Indian-white relations in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. (CR) 2. Morrison & Wilson. “Taking Stock: Legacies and Prospects.” In Native peoples: the Canadian experience. Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 2004. (Email) 3. Cunningham. “Indigenous Women's Visions of an Inclusive Feminism.” Development 49, no. 1 (March 2006): 55-59. (Email)
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Resistance and Activism by Aboriginal People in Canada
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Background of the Topic
What is social justice? Social justice refers to the creation of a society, where every human being is treated with dignity and respect, and their fundamental rights as human beings upheld. In order for society to be deemed just, the basic principles of solidarity and equality should be applied economically, socially and culturally. As such, no person or group in the society should feel inferior to another. Fundamentally, human rights sum up the principles of social justice. However, inequality may arise if at all, a person or group in the society is treated with partisan actions with regard to human rights. For example, capitalism has been seen by many to promote inequalities in income and the distribution of national resources. This results in a large difference between the rich and the poor, not only economically, but both politically and socially too.
Native Aborigines in Canada according to Miller (2000) are in most cases referred to as the First Nations. They had successfully interacted with whites as early as 1000 A.D, but according to European accounts, it was not until the 17th and 18th Centuries, that prolonged contact between the two races was established. Their relationship is widely depicted by Miller in his book Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens. According to Morrison & Wilson (2004), the revolutionary American war of independence was the main cause of the resistance by the Aborigines in Canada. They detested the fact that Americans were trying to conquer their territory and thus fought on the British side. In this paper, critical aspects on the relationship between the Whites and Aborigines will be discussed with reference to social justice, in addition, indigenous women, feminism and its role in facilitating the comprehension of gender equality i...
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