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Inequality Conflict and Social Justice - Identifying Heteronormativity and LGBT Oppression and Activism

Essay Instructions:
Think pieces. Short essays which will give you an opportunity to demonstrate that you have read and thought about the assigned readings. Mostly, they are meant to provide you with an opportunity to explore your own ideas on the course material and further enrich your class contributions. Though there is no set formula for a successful think piece, it is essential that you focus on analyzing rather than summarizing readings. For example, you may wish to make analytical links between readings, discuss readings in relation to past or ongoing conflicts, and/or explain why you are for or against an author's particular theory or idea. Identifying Heteronormativity and LGBT Oppression and Activism 1. Blackwell et al. “Discrimination of Gays and Lesbians: A Social Justice Perspective.” Journal of Health and Social Policy 19, no.4 (2004): 27-43. (Email) 2. Creighton et al. “Intersex Practice, theory, and Activism: a roundtable discussion.” GLQ 15, no. 2 (2009): 249-260. (Email)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Thinking about the conditions of the intersex population in a sociological perspective
The roundtable discussion by Creighton and company and the article by Christopher Blackwell et. al. on the discrimination against members of the LGBT community provide a wide approach in touching the issues of the LGBT population, particularly their striving for social equality. By incorporating theories from different fields of knowledge, the panel in this roundtable squeezes the possibilities that can be forged in the realm of studies about the intersex population. On the other hand, Blackwell`s discussion used a social justice perspective to investigate the issues of the LGBT.
While this is usually treated under the sociological framework, particularly those that that concentrate on gender studies, I recognize that this should not delimit the lenses that can be used in these kinds of study. In my own outlook regarding this issue, I put utmost respect to the formulations in the new feminist tradition, particularly those of coming from the post-structural tradition (Judith Butler primarily comes in mind), albeit one that needs advancements to include the particular case of the intersex. Still, I believe that Butler`s ideas can still find its way to application in the cases of the intersex. Butler is stern in affirming the primacy of culture over nature, of performativity over biology, of gender over sex. Hence, she maintains that difference between gender and sex which leads to her elaborate abstractions on the topic. This is where she put the emphasis in her discussions. While sex is biologically determined, gender is constructed, negotiated, perhaps conditioned but never fixed and is always up to alterations because of and influences from external factors. Here, an important addition provided by Butler is the hint of human agency he afforded to the individual. Given the posed performativity associated with gender, as if an act, a thoroughgoing process, Butler undervalues, if not discards the pressures emanating from the outside of the individual, i.e. the calls of the society, which is...
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