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Women as Peacemakers

Essay Instructions:
Instruction:read all material first. Be specific rather than general in your answer. Think and assess diverse aspects of the question. Respond from the readings rather than whether you agree or disagree, unless you are sure it adds to the paper. There is no ‘correct' answer, as there are many ways to answer the questions. The answer is not a summary of the topic. The papers need to be well structured, clear, precise and well written. Plan the paper to avoid rambling. Avoid words and phrases such as: in my opinion, in the readings the author said, it could be said that, that the topic is too large to discuss adequately... etc. Please check spelling and grammar.!!!!! Each assignmen must be typed, double spaced and in a readable font. Cover sheets are not required Online sources ONLY!!! Women,Conflict Resolution and Peace 1)PeaceWomen:Women for Peace / Peace for Women http://www(dot)peacewomen(dot)org/themes_theme.php?id=29&subtheme=true Study this web site 2) Women Waging Peace: Inclusive Security. Swanee Hunt and Cristina Posa Reprinted with permission from Foreign Policy 124 May/June 2001 2001 by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace www(dot)swaneehunt(dot)com/articles/FP_InclusiveSecurity.pdf 3) Women Peace and Security, United Nations Report 2002 (192 pages) www(dot)un(dot)org/womenwatch/daw/public/eWPS.pdf Question: Some say that women are naturally peacemakers. Others suggest that women are better trained at negotiation and peace-­‐keeping. What do you think, and why? Why are many peace movements full of women?
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Women as Peacemakers
The question of women and the question of world peace are two broad issues that the whole planet has to contend with these days in order to usher in major transformative changes that the world badly needs. Women and world peace are very important issues intricately interrelated although each issue can stand alone. The reason why many women are involved in the struggle for world peace is because real piece is based on justice; And women are in fact doubly oppressed. Most often the issues concerning peace mostly affect women who are silenced and disempowered by society. As can be seen from the evidence of the website peacewomen.org CITATION Wom12 \l 1033 (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom), women in different countries of the world are in the forefront of the struggle for peace. We can see that the liberation of women cannot be fully separated from the assertion of human rights because even as human rights violations affects men and women alike, women bear the brunt of more violence by society and even in the home. The patriarchal nature of society tends toward aggression and do...
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