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Patterns of Consumption and Actions Addressing Environmental Problems

Essay Instructions:

MY BODY/MY HEALTH Unit 4 --- Environment, You, & Social Activism Reflection Journal Entry This Reflection Journal Entry has two activities and is worth 100 points. Each activity is worth 50/100 points. Introduction: Completing this Unit’s Reflection Journal Entry will give you the opportunity reflect on some of your patterns of consumption and to identify actions that you can take to address the environmental problems our world is facing today. Rationale: Turning resources into waste faster than waste can be turned back into resources puts us in global ecological “overshoot”, depleting the very resources on which human life and biodiversity depend. Today humanity uses the equivalent of 1.6 planets to provide the resources we use and absorb our waste. This means it now takes the Earth one year and six months to regenerate what we use in a year. Americans account for only five percent of the world’s population but create one-third of the globe’s solid waste. Moderate UN scenarios suggest that if current trends continue, by the 2030s, we will need the equivalent of two Earths to support us. And of course, we only have one. Individuals and institutions worldwide must begin to recognize ecological limits. We must begin to make ecological limits central to our everyday and long---term decision--- making and use our human ingenuity to find new ways to live, within the Earth’s bounds. (The theme behind Phred and Me). Activity #1 --- “Overshoot”, You, and the Well---Being of the Planet Worth 50/100 points Activity 1 has two parts: Part A and Part B Part A: Watch “The Story of Stuff” (link below) and answer the following questions: 1) What is the “Golden Arrow of Consumption”? 2) Who is Victor Lebow and why did he say in the 1950’s that is so important to us today? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GorqroigqM Part B: Reflect and answer the following questions: 1) What factors influence your decision to buy something new? 2) List the last five products you purchased that were not food or drink (clothes, electronics, etc). Why did you buy each one of these products? If you needed it, why did 2 you need it? If you wanted it, why did you want it?Explain. 3) What is the difference between a “want” and a “need”? 4) Consumption habits include both spending habits and one’s personal habits of usage of products/material items, such as the number of paper towels one uses in the restroom, choices around food, clothing, personal hygiene items, etc. List 3 positive and 3 negative consumption habits someone might have. Explain. 5) Create a list of 5 reasons why it is difficult to change your consumption habits when you are living in your day---to---day routine. 6) What is a consumption habit you personally have, that you would be willing to work on changing after watching “The Story of Stuff”? Why? How could go about doing this? How would you and the planet both benefit? Please Note: o The minimum word count for Activity 1 is 450 words using 12---point Arial font. You can go over 450 words if you want. o See below for additional grading criteria. Activity #2 - ­ ­ “Our Environment and Mental Models” Worth 50/100 points Read the following and answer the questions:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Journal
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
November 9, 2022
Activity 1
Part A
1 The Golden Arrow of Consumption is a principle espoused by the government encouraging people to buy more and consume more. This stems from the belief that increasing consumption (and production) is the key to the country’s economic success, which is the reason why people should spend more. However, this is only a band-aid solution to preventing the economy from entering into a recession since it results in the consumption of our natural resources.
2 Victor Leboe is an economic analyst who has discussed how our economy has become consumption-driven. Notably, he noted that humans have become driven by their desire to buy things, which became not only a way of life, but even a ritual, desire, or a ‘spiritual attachment’ to their lives. This is in line with the theory that we must shift to the use of a productive economy. Until these days, his theories have helped our economy, as can be seen by the heavy demands that characterize our spending habits.
Part B
1 There are many factors that influence my decision to buy something new. Nonetheless, one of the main factors that made me choose a new item is the demand for such. For example, if a new item is ‘trending’ and seems to be limited in stock, it creates a feeling that I also have to buy the same stuff.
2 The last five products that I have purchased are the following:
1 Headphones
1 I bought this product partly because I want it and partly because I need it. I want it because it looks good and is premium. I also need them because I need new headphones for my classes.
2 Computer Monitor
2 Similarly, I want this, and I need this. But the primary reason is that I need this for my part-time work and studies.
3 T-shirt
3 I bought my recent t-shirt because I need a shirt in the same color for an activity that I will be attending.
4 Jacket
4 I also bought a jacket since I need it to protect myself from the cold for this winter season.
5 Bed lamp
5 I bought my bed lamp mainly because I wanted the design. I did not need it since I had another bed lamp, but I decided to change it.
3 The main difference between a want and a need is that the first is a commodity you only need for your satisfaction, while the second is needed for your survival.
4 Positive and Negative Consumption habits:
6 Positive
6 Clothes - only buy clothes that you will indeed be used for a long time in the future. Do not buy clothes that you will only be used once.
7 Buy tumblers - buying reusable tumblers are better than buying water bottles again and again.
8 Phones - do not buy phones every time a new edition is released. Only buy phones when you need to replace what you have.
7 Negative
9 Buying new gadgets - buying new gadgets just because they are trendy
10 Buying from fast food - fast food is convenient, but it uses so much environmental footprint.
New clothes - buying new clothes and just wearing them once for the clout.
Activity 2
1 Question 1
1 The new mental model that we have to have is one that is focused on the reduction of consumption. As of now, we are a consumption-driven society that highly values consumption. In terms of preserving the planet, we think that our consumption-driven tendencies could be resolved by just recycling the things that we use and segregating our garbage. However, although these efforts are helpful, they are far from enough to save our planet. Rather, we should reduce our consumption.
Additionally, we should change our mental models when it comes to who should be responsible for preservation efforts. Today, humans tend to think that the government is mainly responsible for environmental preservation efforts. In contrast, the government tends to place emphasis on curtailing human behavior by imposing policies upon them. However, we can only save the planet with the use of a collaborative effort between government policies and individual human behavior.
2 Question 2
2 Personally, I would change the way that I view consumption and conservation efforts by aligning them with my goals in life. As of today, I believe that I am like any consumption-driven human being. I tend to buy things just because others are placing too much emphasis on them and because they are ‘trendy.’ I believe that buying these new things would increase my social status. However, as the article suggests, simply curtailing one’s purchasing habits would not change my overall purchasing habit but will only lead to a short-time change that would not last l...
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