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Campaign Analysis – Mark Kelley Senatorial Race Arizona

Essay Instructions:

The race is Mark Kelly of Arizona senate seat

This ~1-2 double-spaced paper requires you to describe the context in which the race you have decided to study for your final paper is being run and to identify the key factors and issues that will be emphasized in that campaign. Specifically, you should identify candidate, local, state, and/ or national level factors that have made this race notable and competitive and very briefly explain why these factors matter. You should also identify any policy or valence issues (e.g., honesty, scandal) that are likely to be emphasized in this race and how and why they are likely to be consequential. What factors lead you to believe that your candidate has a chance to win? Which factors make it more difficult for him or her to do so? In particular, this paper should in no more than two pages provide the answer to four basic questions:

1. What are the demographic, economic, political and or social characteristics of the district that help to make it competitive? Why do these matter? For example, is the party registration evenly divided? Has there been a natural disaster affecting who lives there have there been job layoffs? Is the seat held by a candidate who is of the party that has fewer voters? Is a candidate involved in a scandal? etc.

2. What issues are likely to be important in this race? Why?

3. Are there any characteristics of the candidates that make this race interesting or affect the competitiveness? If so, what are they?

4. What specific national, or state factors affect this race? For example, Has this seat been gerrymandered in a way that affects its competitiveness? Is it a district that voted differently at the national level than for the last House race (i.e. for a Republican on pone level and a Democrat at the other)? Did the president’s party win it narrowly in the last presidential election?

Write the paper as a coherent explanation, not as a series of answers to the above questions. You should begin with an introductory paragraph that provides a simple answer and overview of your explanation. Then perhaps a paragraph or two that address these key questions that support or justify your main answer

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Campaign Analysis – Mark Kelley Senatorial Race Arizona
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November 10, 2023
Understanding the various factors related to campaigns is essential for influencing public policy. Politicians affect various public policies, which suggests the importance of increasing one’s chances of winning in the first place. In this article, the author would like to focus on the campaign of Mark Kelly and his campaign to win a senate seat in the State of Arizona. The succeeding sections will initially provide an overview of the relevant information about Kelly, which might affect his own career. The author believes that knowing these pieces of information is essential, not merely for winning an election but also for influencing public policy. 
Mark Kelly
Mark Kelly is one of the current forerunners in the senatorial race in the State of Arizona. Kelly is running under the Democratic Party and is widely known for being a captain in the US Navy, an entrepreneur, and even a retired astronaut. He also has a long experience in politics, including a seat in various committees within the Senate during his term as a Junior senator since 2020, including aging, natural resources, and environment and public works, among others (Senator Mark Kelly, 2022). Accordingly, some of his leading platforms are increasing jobs and businesses with the help of technological investments, such as the American Rescue Plan and the Community Navigator Plan, among others. 
Despite Senator Kelly’s reputation, his political run in the recent elections is yet to be decided. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that Arizona is more or less equal in terms of party supporters. For example, election results show that early voters “tend to strongly favor democrats, while Republicans tend to fare better during election day” (Reimann, 2022). Surprisingly, however, the State of Arizona is considered a stronghold of the Republican party since they rarely won, except in 2020 when Kelly ran under the Democrat party (Hansen, 2020). 
Today, however, some of the critical issues that must be addressed by the senatorial candidates are the issues of abortion, immigration, and the increasing inflation of ...
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