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How Animals are Represented in Zootopia, a Disney Movie

Essay Instructions:

Final Paper Paper DUE Tues. 11/29

Basics Requirements: Write a 4-5 page essay in which you make a specific argument about how animals are represented in a children’s text (Disney or other children’s movie, children’s TV show, or children’s book). Your own, original thesis will be in dialogue with

• at least one primary source (the children’s text). You will be quoting and describing imagery from this source.

• two secondary sources (one can be from our class if any apply, the other one should be from a scholarly work).

Elements of the Paper: Your paper should include (in addition to clear organization and good grammar)

• An introductory paragraph in which you set up your argument by showing that there is some debate or cultural relevancy to the issue (could be that these are popular texts, many children are exposed to them)

• A clear thesis which states your main argument. That should be stated clearly at the beginning of the paper, at the end of the introductory paragraph.

• Evidence to support your thesis. This could take the form of

o Primary evidence: Details (including quotes) from the children’s movie, show, or book. This will be quotes and also descriptions of imagery.

o Secondary evidence (required) in the form of cultural criticism and/or animal studies.

• Analysis. Be sure you explain what all those details mean and how they connect to your argument.

• A conclusion that goes beyond restating the paper’s ideas and answers the “so what?” question.

• Secondary sources. You should include quotations from at least 2 secondary sources.

• Correctly formatted Works Cited page.

• Presentations: Students will present papers to the class in 5-minute presentations on T 11/21, T 11/29 and R 12/1. These will be followed by questions from me and your peers. I encourage you to find important moments in your paper and read from it and possibly even a very short scene to pull up to show.

o Presentations should do the following:

 Set up argument clearly in an intro and with a clear thesis

 Provide some details/evidence

 Analyze the evidence

 Be clear, speak for an appropriate time (5 minutes) and at a good tempo and volume, make eye contact.

Topics can range from how animals are portrayed as animals, how animals are used to make comments about certain human groups, how a particular issue (like fur, eating animals, etc.) is portrayed and many others.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Zootopia Disney Movie
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The Disney film Zootopia is a fascinating exploration of themes such as cooperation, diversity, and tolerance. Set in a bustling metropolis where animals of all shapes, sizes, and species live together, the film follows the story of Judy Hopps, a rabbit. She dreams of becoming a police officer. As she navigates the complex social dynamics of a multi-species society, she learns to appreciate the importance of understanding and respecting differences. The representation of animals in this film is particularly significant. By anthropomorphizing animals and placing them in a complex social context, the film allows viewers to engage with issues of diversity and tolerance uniquely. The film encourages children to consider the importance of working together, despite differences, to create a stronger society. Overall, Zootopia sends children a positive and empowering message. By presenting a diverse and cooperative animal society, the film encourages children to embrace the differences of others and work together for the common good.
The animated film Zootopia employs anthropomorphic animals to create an allegory for human society. The film portrays many parallels between its animal characters' behaviors, beliefs, and struggles and those of humans. For instance, just as human societies often experience divisions based on race, ethnicity, and culture, the animals in Zootopia are divided by species. Zootopia's message of tolerance and understanding is evident in several key scenes. In one, Judy Hopps, a rabbit, is forced to work with Nick Wilde, a fox, to solve a case. Though Judy is initially suspicious of Nick, the two eventually form a bond and learn to trust one another. Another scene that underscores the film's theme is when Judy meets the assistant mayor, Bellwether, a sheep. Bellwether shares her experiences of being underestimated and disregarded with Judy, highlighting that individuals from disparate backgrounds can find common ground through shared experiences. The film highlights the importance of challenging stereotypes when Judy confronts Chief Bogo, a buffalo, about his refusal to take her seriously as a police officer. Judy argues that she deserves a chance to prove herself and ultimately demonstrates that she is just as capable as any other officer on the force. This scene sends the message that we should not judge someone's abilities or worth based on appearances. This allegory allows the film to address complex issues, such as prejudice and discrimination, in a way accessible to children. Using animals as stand-ins for humans, the film avoids explicitly talking about race or ethnicity. Still, it conveys the same message: that it's wrong to judge someone based on preconceived notions or stereotypes (Briscoe-Smith, 2016). Zootopia encourages viewers to empathize with those who are different and work together for the common good.
Another critical theme in the film is the importance of cooperation. Throughout the story, we see multiple instances where characters can achieve more by working together than they would have been able to on their own. In Zootopia, the main character, Judy Hopps, is initially hesitant to work with the con artist Nick Wilde. But she quickly realizes they each have unique skills that can benefit the other. They can investigate a conspiracy and find the missing animals by working together. The film also shows how cooperation can be vital to overcoming bias. In one scene in the movie, Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde reluctantly team up to solve a case. The illustration could show the two characters standing side by side, looking suspiciously at each other, while in the background, a sinister villain lurks. This illustration emphasizes the importance of cooperation between unlikely allies to overcome a common obstacle. Finally, the film demonstrates the importance of collaboration on a larger scale. To restore peace in Zootopia, the different animal species must learn to work together and respect one another. This is not an easy task, but ...
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