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Patients Rights

Essay Instructions:
Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper that addresses the significance of the Nuremberg Code and the Belmont Report. Address why the events that led up to their creation are important and how their creation affects the ethical issues surrounding clinical trials today. What ethical restraints and guidelines exist for conducting clinical trials and how this pertains to special populations (i.e., minors, prisoners, persons with mental disabilities)? Provide a minimum of three appropriate and scholarly sources for your paper. Remember that Wikipedia is not considered a scholarly source. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
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PATIENTS RIGHTS Insert Name Course Grade Instructor`s Name Date Patients Rights Introduction Any patient worldwide has his/her rights, which are either guaranteed by the federal law or the state`s law, which states the ethical behaviors of every practitioner, as an effect, in medical trials, there two major documents that have stipulated ethical considerations. Such documents are the Nuremberg Code, and the Belmont Report. This essay aims at addressing the significance of the Nuremberg Code and the Belmont Report. It highlights why the events that led up to their creation are important and how their creation affects the ethical issues surrounding clinical trials today. Moreover, it describes ethical restraints and guidelines exist for conducting clinical trials and how this pertains to special populations like the minors, prisoners, persons with mental disabilities amongst others. Nuremberg Code Nuremberg Code is one of the most dramatic as well as the most popular chapter in the entire history of research that involves human participants. The cord was established after criminal proceeding of against some Germany physicians as well as administrators by the American military tribunal for their intentional war crimes as well as crimes against humanity. The physicians were charged with the use of human participants in medical experiments without their consent. This events were of great importance to the current world as they ascertained that some medical experiments carried out on human participants under reasonable environment and well defined boundaries confirms to the medical research ethics. This is based on the fact that such experiments that were carried out on human beings without their consent led to greater innovations as a result of their practical results. Some of these cures could not have been attained by through studies or other methods Weindling 2001). Though this is very important to medical researchers in the current times, but its creation affects the ethical issues surrounding clinical trials in the current times. This is because it led to the development of fundamental ethical principles which have to be observed with the aim of satisfying ethical, moral as well as legal issues. For instance, there must be a voluntary informed consent before the experiment is carried out on an individual. Belmont Report This report was created after Tuskegee Syphilis events that occurred between 1932 and1972. Its creation is very important in the current times as it paved way on how human subjects can be protected. In the current times, the document has been, and still serves as the historical document that highlights moral framework to acquaint with regulations regarding the use of human subjects in an experimental research. Moreover, in the current decade, hospitals have been facing significant economic challenges, forcing them to turn to system redesign. Part of these redesign include reluctance in recognizing that the knowledge of in the trenches practitioners is far much important in making accurate as well as vital system changes that can ensure economic survival. Moreover, the ethical issues surrounding clinical trials today are based on more appropriate issues like culture, gender, as well as ethnicity. However, the interpretations as well as analysis of ethical principles outlined in Belmont Report and Nuremberg Code do not fit under this situation (Sims 2010). Ethical Restraints and Guidelines Respect for Individuals During experimental research on human beings, the process of choosing autonomous individuals has to have respect to such people. Moreover, people categorized under special populations, meaning individuals who are not in a position to make their own decisions like the minors and the mentally ill individuals have to be protected too. In other words, all people involved in the study should be treated with respect and courtesy apart from allowing informed consent. In any case, researchers are obligated with the responsibility of being truthful as there should be no deceptions. However, the level of respect for individuals in clinical trials as well as verification of such respect varies depending administration...
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