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Culture identity (Kuwaiti Culture)

Essay Instructions:
Write about the Kuwaiti Culture, please read this: This assignment asks you to examine your own cultural identity - to describe how you define yourself as a cultural being - and to show how that affects your communication style. To be more specific this paper is about how our various cultural identities shape our behavior, our communication, and us. This is not to be an autobiography or the story of your family's history. Think of this paper as an ethnography of a culture and its members in which you describe and interpret the attributes and members' behavior to those who are not familiar with them. The twist is that the subject culture/s is your own, and the attitudes, values, beliefs, and communicative behavior you are examining are your own. This will require you to examine and include the following criteria: 1. Your COMMUNAL IDENTITY. Communal identity includes your culture's or your co-culture's beliefs, values, and norms; not yours! Specific categories to include are as follows: The name of the culture/s in which you are a member and co-cultural Identity (if applicable) Your Communal identities and their attributes (Harvey video: http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=USxOoPu5a_g) i. ethnicity ii. gender iii. generation iv. socioeconomic status Your culture's cultural classifications and how each of these dimensions show up in your culture and its behavior. 2. SOCIAL & RELATIONAL IDENTITIES: the organizations and groups that have shaped you. What role have these groups had on your behaviour and communication style? These include: family religion jobs school sports / hobbies peers
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Culture identity (Kuwaiti Culture)
Course title:
Culture identity (Kuwaiti Culture)
Your COMMUNAL IDENTITY. Communal identity includes your culture’s or your co-culture’s beliefs, values, and norms; not yours! Specific categories to include are as follows: The name of the culture/s in which you are a member and co-cultural Identity (if applicable)
I am a member of the Kuwaiti culture. My communal identity within the Kuwaiti culture include the following in terms of norms, beliefs and values: With regard to dressing in the Kuwaiti culture, women outside the home dress in accordance with religious customs, and they cover most of the body from head to foot (Giddens & Griffith, 2006). In terms of marriage, most marriages are arranged according to traditions and intermarriage can only take place within clans, not between social classes. Women, unlike men, need their father’s permission to marry and cannot marry a non-Muslim (Bahhouth, Ziemnowicz & Zgheib, 2012). In terms of domestic unit, the family forms the basis in Kuwaiti culture. Extended families live together so that every family member can be involved in the socialization of the future generations as well as maintain cultural and familial traditions. In Kuwaiti culture, alcohol consumption is unlawful and dancing is only allowed within the privacy of your home, and open display of affection among couples is not tolerated (Scarce, 2001).
Your Communal identities and their attributes. Your culture’s cultural classifications and how each of these dimensions show up in your culture and its behavior.
In terms of ethnicity, I am a Kuwaiti Arab. In this ethnicity, we have to abide by and observe cultural traditions with regard to all aspects of our daily lives such as taboos, touching, greetings, moral characters, gender issues, socializing, law and order. In terms of gender, I am male, and there are specific gender issues that only women can do for instance wearing headscarf and covering the hair. In my Kuwaiti culture, people are segregated by gender and both men and women are expected to behave in accordance with cultural, religious or social codes. In terms of generation, I am the 25th generation in our family tree. Our community is built on generations of Islamic traditions that are firmly rooted in Kuwaiti’s tribal and culture heritage. Moreover, these traditions have been inherited since time immemorial, and they form a cornerstone of everyday life for a Kuwaiti family (Scarce, 2001). In terms of my socioeconomic status, I am in the middle-income range. My Kuwaiti culture is divided into social and economic classes based on wealth, and there are five levels of social stratification. At the top of the socioeconomic hierarchy is the ruling family, followed by Kuwaiti merchant families. The middle and third level are the Arabian Desert nomads who arrived in Kuwait at the onset of the oil industry. The fourth are Arabs from neighboring c...
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