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Pathfinder Summary II*

Essay Instructions:
Once again, think of The Pathfinder as a way to set yourself up for success at UC Irvine, what major(s)/minor(s) you choose, what future school(s) you may decide to attend, what career(s) you may decide to pursue, and what kinds of factors go into each of these decisions. While this book might not seem relevant, at first, to an Introduction to Sociology class like ours, think about C. Wright Mills and how he is him encourages the Sociological Imagination. You will all, at some point, have some sort of job/career that fits into one of our social institutions. You are an individual within the larger social structure. Who you are and how you contribute might feel personal, but you are connected to greater society. Additionally, this book is a great way to see how Sociology as a discipline fits into your academic, personal and possible professional life. It is more of a guide than information you need to memorize (we will not have any exam questions from the book). Just a suggestion: you may want to keep the book for your future even after you have finished this class! The Pathfinder has 29 chapters that are divided into four main sections: 1) Living a Life You Love, 2) How to Get There From Here, 3) Designing Your Future Career, and 4) Marketing and Job Searching. In many of the chapters, the author has what are called “Inquiries” that encourage you to answer questions, think about your own experiences/desires, and confront some of the common issues people face in figuring out their lives. Make sure to do the inquiries and genuinely reflect on the chapters as you read them. -------------------------- This Pathfinder Summary II involves asking you a few questions about Chapters 15-29. Please answer each question thoroughly with GENUINE reflection rather than “correct” answers. Your entire paper should be at least 5-7 pages in length, typed, double-spaced in 12-point font with one-inch margins, pages numbered, your name on the upper left corner, and edited for spelling and grammatical errors. Yes, you can number your responses but DO NOT use bullet points. Write in complete sentences with thoughtful responses. Write at a college level; minimize excessive spelling/grammatical errors (worth 1 point). Edit and spell-check! In terms of citation, remember that any excerpt, note, statement, sentence, etc. taken verbatim (word for word) must be cited when you write. If you have questions regarding citations, please reach out to your TA or consult the ASA citation guidelines (here's a handy reference: Quick Tips for ASA Style Citations).Download (here's a handy reference: Quick Tips for ASA Style Citations). While it may be tempting to use some type of AI to assist with this assignment, please refrain from doing so. Remember, you all agreed at the beginning of the quarter to this in the form of academic integrity. Further, we take time to create original, inspiring paper prompts with questions that get you thinking sociologically. We respect you and your learning as students in this class. Please respect this effort and do your own work. We care most about what YOU have to say. Cite appropriately. Make sure to upload your summary as either a WORD or PDF document. "PAGES" or "RTF" documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit. --------------- 1. Chapters 15-17 deal with different types of personality assessments. Which assessment was the most relevant/informative to you and why? What did you learn about yourself in doing the assessment? What are at least two benefits of personality assessments? What might at least two limitations be of personality assessments? What might sociologists say about personality assessments? 2. Complete Inquiry 13 on "Temperament." What is your "personality type" and how do you think you've developed your personality? What are your thoughts on whether you actually "fit" your personality type? How might this insight about your personality type be useful in your everyday life, especially in terms of your major(s) and possible career choices? 3. What does Lore say about mission, passion, meaning, and purpose in your life? Why is each important in terms of career choice(s)? Watch/Listen to the following TedxTalk (6:00). What is Trespicio's general argument about passion and career choice? How does her argument relate to Lore's perspective on passion/meaning/mission/purpose? What might sociologists say about our cultural emphasis on purpose/passion as it relates to a career? What might such an emphasis mean for individuals and also greater society? 4. While you may have your heart set on a particular profession, brainstorm a list of TWO possible career choices that you could see yourself doing. For each career choice, discuss 1) why you're interested in that career, 2) why you'd be successful in that career, 3) what are two obstacles in pursuing that career, and 4) what those around you (family/friends/partners) might think about that career choice. Which of the two is your top career choice? Why is it your top choice, and what skills and talents (the book makes distinctions between each of these, so discuss both) do you have that would ensure your success in that particular career? 5. How does Sociology as a discipline fit into the two possible career choices you've just discussed (in question #4)? How might this specific course (Sociology 1) influence your future education and career trajectories? How might having a Sociological Imagination help you succeed in any future career choice going forward in your life? ------------------ Ted link: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=7CJ_Ox3XkQ8 Once again, make sure to upload your summary as either a WORD or PDF document. "PAGES" or "RTF" documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit. In terms of citation, remember that any excerpt, note, statement, sentence, etc. taken verbatim (word for word) must be cited when you write. If you have questions regarding citations, please reach out to your TA or consult the ASA citation guidelines. This paper is worth ten points (and 10% of your overall grade). Answer the questions thoughtfully and thoroughly and you will receive credit for each question. Be as detailed as possible with your responses and write in complete sentences. Do not use bullet points. Write in complete sentences with thoughtful responses. Write at a college level; minimize excessive spelling/grammatical errors (worth 1 point). Edit and spell-check!
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Pathfinder Summary Name Institution Course Code and Title Instructor Date Pathfinder Summary Question 1: Personality Assessment Different personality assessment tools help individuals identify their personality. The most informative personality assessment was the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This assessment expands the personality types to accommodate all the aspects of human behavior. This tool categorizes personality depending on the dominance of personality selected from the eight broad personalities of extroversion (E), intuition (I), feeling (F), perceiving (P), introversion (I), sensing (S), thinking (T), and judging (J) (Lore, 2012). The personality of an individual is determined by the four traits that have the highest score. The importance of this test is to accommodate diverse traits to give a fair representation of an individual. I have learned about my personality traits and behaviors when I was doing the assessments. My repetitive behaviors and actions are essential in defining my personality. In addition, the assessments highlight the strengths and weaknesses of a person based on the score or the assessments. These assessments have also helped me understand why I have a strong preference for some careers and activities (Weeden et al., 2020). Lastly, these assessments helped me understand how to engage with people or behave in social settings. Personality assessments are essential for evaluating people. One advantage is that the assessment highlight individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Personality assessments guide an individual in choosing career paths based on their strengths and weaknesses (Lore, 2012). The assessments give insights into the type of careers a person can have good outcomes based on personality. Another advantage of assessments is that they help people have a better understanding of other people. Personality assessment explains why people behave and react differently. In addition, personality assessments help in conflict resolution because it explains the conduct or reaction of individuals. However, personality assessments have various limitations. First, these assessments are based on assumptions of the tools used (Fleenor, 2017). There is no standard approach to determining personality. Personality assessments may also give misleading results because people behave differently when taking personality tests. Lastly, personality assessments do not acknowledge the importance of training to change personality. Although personality assessments have limitations, they are vital for identifying strengths and weaknesses to influence career paths (Lore, 2012). Sociologists support personality assessments because they help understand people’s behaviour. Sociologists use personality assessments to address social and individual issues that relate to personality. Therefore, personality assessments are important for shaping the future of individuals. Question 2: Temperament According to the MBTI personality assessment, my temperament is INFJ derived from the acronyms of introversion (I), intuition (N), feeling (F), and judgement (J) (Lore, 2012). I have developed this personality from interaction with others, influence from family, and knowledge of personality. I control my behaviour and reactions to achieve the personality that is acceptable in society. In addition, education has shaped my personality. Therefore, my personality arises from the desire to behave and react in line with society’s expectations (Fleenor, 2017). My analysis of my personality and other factors, I fit in this personality. I am quiet and gentle in addition to other introverted characteristics. These characteristics help me to focus on my tasks because I avoid distraction. However, my performance in team activities is not perfect. I also like reading and engaging in tasks that require critical thinking. This personality also aligns with my caring nature and inability to express my feelings to others. The insight about my personality influences me to think about my career path. I have identified my weaknesses and strengths which guide me it taking appropriate courses to enhance career success. My weaknesses that would have a negative impact on my...
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