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Passion for Children's and Youths' Online Safety

Essay Instructions:

Submit a 1- to 2-page paper in which you:

Briefly restate the passion(s) you identified in the Week 1 Discussion.

Identify a social issue in your community that is associated with your passion, for which advocacy would be appropriate.

Describe how you will apply the principles of advocacy to the social issue. Specifically, identify 2–3 principles. Why are these important, and how will you incorporate them in your advocacy project?


Learning Resources:

Tahan, H. M. (2016).Essentials of advocacy in case management: Part 2: Client advocacy model and case manager’s advocacy strategies and competencies. Professional Case Management, 21(5), 217–232. 

Links to an external site

Learning to Give. (2017, June 23). Understanding advocacy and actionLinks to an external site. [Video]. 

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.

Tahan, H. M. (2016). Essentials of advocacy in case management: Part 1: Ethical underpinnings of advocacy-theories, principles, and concepts. Professional Case Management, 21(4), 163–179. 
Links to an external site.

Read the “Ethical Foundation of Advocacy” section for identification of advocacy principles.

Walden University. (2021). Advocacy in practiceLinks to an external site.[Interactive media]. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Advocacy Week 2 Assignment
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Passion for Children's and Youths' Online Safety
Children's and youths' online safety has become the most passionately debated matter. In contemporary society, characterized by widespread digital connectivity, young individuals occupy a prominent position in the digital realm, which holds significant implications for our collective future. Over 75% of people between the ages of 15 and 24 were online in 2022 (United Nations, n.d.), marking an era in which young people spend significant time in virtual environments for a wide range of purposes, including but not limited to learning, socializing, and entertainment. Cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and even sexual exploitation are just a few of the dangers that lurk in this vast digital wilderness.
Child cyber bullying
An alarming number of cases of cyberbullying—the repeated use of electronic means to abuse, persuade, or deteriorate another person—have been reported, with young people being the primary targets (Zhu et al., 2021). The victims' mental health is seriously at risk due to this fraudulent activity, mainly on young people's social media platforms. When children are subjected to this aggressive form of intimidation, it might significantly negatively affect their mental health, which can impede their overall development and possibly prevent them from growing up to be socially adept adults. Victims' mental health is compromised, and they cannot fully realize their potential in the world due to the effects of these acts. The increasing incidence of harmful behaviors in the digital age emphasizes the urgent need for group interventions and safeguards to protect the well-being of younger people.
Child Cyberbullying: Applying Advocacy Principles
Advocacy Based on Ethics
According to Tahan (2016), the ethical considerations of an advocacy dedication are fundamental to its establishment. This foundation's ethical commitment to prevent harm is one of its guiding principles. Thus, the issue of cyberbullying must be approached from an ethical standpoint, with attention paid to interventions that do not further stigmatize or harm the bullied children. The child's mental and emotional health must come first ...
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