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Advocacy in Global Community: Advocacy in Children and Youth Safety Online

Essay Instructions:

Submit a 1- to 2-page paper in which you:

Identify at least two resources and summarize the information that is relevant to your project.

Explain how and why the information might help you in your advocacy.

Describe how you will use this information in a way that represents advocacy rather than activism.

Learning Resources:

Tahan, H. M. (2016). Essentials of advocacy in case management: Part 1: Ethical underpinnings of advocacy-theories, principles, and concepts. Professional Case Management, 21(4), 163–179. 
Links to an external site.

Read the “Classifying Advocacy” section for a description of advocacy types.

American Counseling Association. (2020). American Counseling Association advocacy competenciesLinks to an external site.. 

Select “ACA Advocacy Competencies” from the list.

Links to an external site

The Advocates for Human Rights. (2015). Chapter 7: Advocacy. In Human rights tools for a changing world: A step-by-step guide to human rights fact-finding, documentation, and advocacy. 

Navigate to Chapter 7 (page 97).

Links to an external site.

Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2020, September 9). First-of-its-kind partnership aims to redesign child welfare into child and family well-being systems. The Annie E. Casey Foundation Blog. 

Goldman, S. E., Burke, M. M., Casale, E. G., Frazier, M. A., & Hodapp, R. M. (2020). Families requesting advocates for children with disabilities: The who, what, when, where, why, and how of special education advocacy. Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 58(2), 158–169. 

Navigate to Week 3 and complete that content only.

Center for Community Health and Development. (n.d.). Section 3: Understanding the issueLinks to an external site.. In Chapter 30: Principles of advocacy. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Advocacy in Children and Youth Safety Online
Student Name
Course Name
Advocacy in Children and Youth Safety Online
Summary of Information in Resources
The prior research on children's and adolescents' internet safety is examined by Jang & Ko (2023) using the 4Cs risk approach. Due to a lack of online monitoring, young people in the era of digital change are frequently vulnerable to psychological harm, violence, and conflict. Children, in particular, who do not experience adult predatory conduct find themselves disadvantaged due to organizations and products' failure to accommodate their demands or protect them adequately. Children and young people are particularly vulnerable customers as internet shopping and consumption become increasingly prevalent daily. Children lack the critical thinking skills necessary to recognize instances of harm in the digital world; therefore, they lack oversight of their data and transparency in its usage. Cyberbullying, exposure to damaging material, the dissemination of false information, and dishonest or fraudulent business activities are only a few examples of this harm. Children may be specifically targeted with advertisements based on their personal information and subjected to potentially dangerous marketing techniques, which creates privacy and security concerns. Children's data may also be misused or exploited for stereotyping with the development of technological advances like artificial intelligence and predictive analytics, thereby impacting their fundamental legal liberties and rights. Young people are using mobile devices, digital assistants, and other portable electronics at an increasing rate, which raises concerns about parental or guardian oversight and a lack of effective payment authentication and control methods.  Recommendations have been made on general policy frameworks, international collaboration, and digital service providers. These guidelines aim to provide a safe and helpful digital environment for children.
Finkelhor et al. (2020) assess the messaging of youth inter...
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