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Our Country’s Energy Problem and Probable Solutions

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Our Country’s Energy Problem and Probable Solutions

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To: The Crown Prince, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
From: Environmental and Energy Advisor
Date: 1st November 2018
Subject: Our Country’s Energy Problem and Probable Solutions
The Problem
Our country has been relying on fossils fuels, and they have been our main drivers of the economy. It is a natural resource which has positioned our country strategically in the world economy and influenced hegemony in our favor. However, it has a serious downside. It is a non-renewable energy source and it eventually it will be depleted. The inevitability of depending on fossil fuels threatens our economic model, and if the strategic course of action is not taken as early as now, our country might find itself in an economic quagmire and lose its competitiveness the world. The best means is to find ways to move from fossil fuel overdependence and diversify our energy choices or better completely shift to renewable sources of energy. There are viable alternatives for which our country is also strategically positioned for and can be harnessed to increase and diversify our energy sources.
Course of action
The best course of action is to invest in renewable sources of energy; wind, solar and waves energy. Technological advancements have shown that these natural resources can be utilized to provide as much energy as fossil fuels if proper investment is made. Our country is largely a desert and hence suitable for solar farms. There are large tracts of inhabited land where these farms can be set up. Secondly, since our country is also suitable for wind farms a wind farm can be set up offshore or located adjacent to solar farms such that they can supplement solar farms at their lowest production times, at night. Additionally, we can have ocean power plants that can harness ocean waves to produce energy. Our long coastline can be utilized to set up ocean power plants in non-recreational spots. Ocean power plants can also be established along wind farms to harness the power of coastal breezes. Since all these proposals are aimed at providing electrical energy, electricity can be converted for utility in any other form including heat, motion, etc. Today there are practical electric cars, and since the turned seems to be taking root, probably in the near future the demand for fossil fuels would be very low. This shows that the world’s dependability on fossil fuels is completely reducing and practical solutions are being created every day to help the world move from fossil fuels. Concisely, our country needs to strategize on how to get into renewable energy sources since it is suited for the afore-described renewable energy sources.
Why we need to act now
One of the reasons why we need to move from fossil fuels is because they are very pollutive. Global warming and other issues that are threatening planet earth’s sustainability can be traced back to fossil fuels. We all have obligations to take care of our planet for ourselves and future generations and investing in renewable sources of energy which are not pollutive and do not have an adverse impact on the environment.
Secondly, fossil...
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