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Assignment 7: Allyship Social Sciences Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply the different concepts and implications of allyship. For this assignment consider the historically marginalized group you were assigned or one that you will have an opportunity to advocate for in your work or social context. Write a plan of approximately 1,000–1,500 words that includes the activities you will engage in for personal education regarding your selected group. Give examples from the materials in the course that support your choice of activities. Identify the approaches to advocacy for the identified group and the barriers that could prohibit you from being an effective advocate for the identified group. Use the videos, readings, and guest interviews to inform this paper.

Make sure to review the grading rubric for this assignment.



Paper is written professionally. This includes the application of APA formatting, use of active rather than passive voice, noun verb concordance, correct spelling, correct use of punctuation, and clear and logic paper organization. The paper does not exceed 2,000 words. A reference list is included with paper. (10 points)

Paper is written professionally. The application of APA formatting was mostly correct. There were small issues with clarity of sentences but clarity of paper was not impacted. (8 points)

Paper was not professionally written. APA formatting was not applied appropriately. Grammar was problematic in the paper or the paper was not logically organized and lacked clarity. (1 point)


A description of the selected historically marginalized group selected for the assignment is provided in detail. This will include the ways in which the group is marginalized. The specific biases aimed at the group is described. (20 points)

A historically marginalized group is identified with some detail about the ways in which the group is marginalized. Specific biases targeting the group are superficially presented. (10 points)

A historically marginalized group is identified but details about the ways they are marginalized or specific biases are not clear. (1 point)


Paper describes specific steps and short- and long-term goals targeting personal education on the selected group. At least one example of using a concept from the course materials is included. (30 points)

Paper describes specific steps but does not include short- or long-term goals for personal education. At least one example is included based on learnA description of the selected historically marginalized group selected for the assignment is provided in detail. This will include the ways in which the group is marginalized. The specific biases aimed at the group is described. (20 points)

A historically marginalized group is identified with some detail about the ways in which the group is marginalized. Specific biases targeting the group are superficially presented. (10 points)

A historically marginalized group is identified but details about the ways they are marginalized or specific biases are not clear. (1 point)


Paper describes specific steps and short- and long-term goals targeting personal education on the selected group. At least one example of using a concept from the course materials is included. (30 points)

Paper describes specific steps but does not include short- or long-term goals for personal education. At least one example is included based on learn

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marginalization of the African Americans Immigrant Communities
Marginalization of the African Americans Immigrant Communities
The history of the marginalization of the African American immigrant communities has been well documented. It is an issue that has dominated topics of discussion right from the 19st century and up until the 21st century, it has still persisted. The 20th century saw a remarkable progress and yet there is still a general feeling that the African American immigrant community does not get treated on equal footing as the white people in the U.S. Despite the early efforts of civil rights movements such as the ones headed by the late Martin Luther King Jr., there has been stagnation in the early efforts that were made. It is a situation that has forced some of the marginalized African American immigrants to adopt the lifestyles and practices of the more affluent white race. As Perozzo et al. (2016) note, discrimination makes individuals to associate less with their marginalized groups.
Most African American immigrants have not been able to get adequate mental and physical care. Additionally, they have not been able to get the best housing because of widespread poverty and inadequate distribution of resources. Most African Americans are unemployed and they make up the largest percentage of the underemployed within the U.S. Most African Americans can go without Jobs for a long period of time and in any case some of them do, they will be under employed as compared to other races. There is a general feeling that the American institutions are working to ensure that the African Americans are pushed to the very bottom of the society. Much of the marginalization of the African American immigrants has been attributed to the continued racial profiling that has seen that African American race treated as inferior compared to other races.
In the quests to understand what African Americans go through, I will have to study past history of marginalization of African Americans. Specifically, I will have to study of the practices during the days of slave labor all through to the civil rights movements in the 20th century. Specifically, I will carry out a survey to establish the current efforts being carried out to ensure that the African American immigrants are not marginalized. Specifically, I will get to speak with the African American community on what they believe ...
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