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The ways in which managers should address oppression and inequality issues within the organisations

Essay Instructions:
Applied Social science, Youth And Community work Question: Discuss how managers should address oppression and inequality issues within the organisation? Suggested reading: **Arredondo P. (1996) Successful Diversity Management Initiatives, Sage Billis D. & Harris M. editors (1996) Voluntary agencies, Macmillan **Brown A. & Bourne I. (1996) The Social work Supervisor. Open University Press Cheung-Young M. & Henley A, (1994) Equality in Action. NCVO Publications **Dixon R. (1993) The Management Task. Institute of Management Foundation Forbes, D. & Hayes. R. & Reason, J. [1998] Voluntary But Not Amateur. London Voluntary Service Council. Gann, N. [1996] Managing Change in Voluntary Organisations. Open University Press. Gherardi S,(1995) Gender, Symbolism and Organisational Cultures, Sage Glover C. (2002) Variations - Effective Teams, People Management, Feb edition, p36-40, CIPD Handy C S [1993] Understanding Organisations, 4th Edition. Penguin Education Hudson, M. [1995] Managing Without Profit: The Art of Managing Third Sector Organisations. Penguin Business **Kandola R. & Fullerton J. (1998), Diversity in Action, CIPD publications Lawrie A. (1996) Creating & Managing new Projects. Directory of Social Change publications **Malin N. (2000) Professionalism Boundaries and the Work Place .Routledge McCalman J & Paton R. (1992) Change Management. Paul Chapman Publishing **Mullins, L.J. [2001] Management and Organisational Behaviour. 6th edition, Pitman **Reid M.A. & Barrington H. (1999) Training Interventions, 6th edit. CIPD publications Thompson N (2000) Theory and Practice in the Human Services. Open University Press **Thomson R. & A. (2002) Managing people. Butterworth-Heinemann
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The ways in which managers should address oppression and inequality issues within the organisations
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Despite the existence of laws that prohibit inequality and oppression in organisations, there has been a continued trend of perpetuating these discriminatory vices in various organisations throughout the world. Mostly, this has resulted in the organisation employees facing unique challenges associated with organisational policies and activities as well as individual actions (Arredondo, 1996). Moreover, as the workplaces continue to increasingly become more diverse than before, the need for the organisation managers to devise effective ways of addressing the inequality and oppressive behaviours within the organisations they manage has become an inevitable undertaking. This is mainly because regardless of perpetuation of oppression and discrimination in organisations made unconstitutional in most of the countries globally, these behaviours have been persistent thereby necessitating the need for the managers of all organisations to prioritise interventions that address these vices (Thompson, 1997).
Mostly, the inequality and oppression in organisations has been practised on the basis of an employee’s race or ethnicity, gender, age or socio-economic status. Hence, inequalities and oppression in organisations exist depending on the racial background of the employee where those from minority groups are often prone to discrimination and oppression (Hassard & Pym, 1995). This also occurs on the basis of their gender where women usually tend to be more prone to these vices in comparison to their male counterparts. Therefore, inequality and oppressive behaviours in organisations in most cases lead to employment process biases, disparity in remuneration for same job, difficulties in promotion and advancement as well as emotional and psychological distress (Arredondo, 1996). Thus, in order to universally motivate all the employees and improve the organisation’s performance and profitability which leads to market competitiveness, the need for the managers for these organisations to effectively address these challenges cannot be underestimated.
Moreover, since inequality and oppression are endemic in the organisational culture, it is usually a destructive and unacceptable phenomenon which the managers to these organisations should urgently address. However, all the workplace members in organisations should be urged to collaboratively work with their managers in order to amicably address the issues of inequality and oppression thereby eliminating these unhealthy behaviours from the workplace (Iles & Salaman, 1997). However, despite these behaviours being able to be perpetuated consciously or unconsciously, the resulting effects are the same thus necessitating the need for managers to devise appropriate strategies to address them.
Therefore, a reasonable number of managers in most of the organisations have recognised the essence of effectively addressing these behaviours. Thus, it is essential for managers to devise appropriate interventions within the organisation to recognise as well as acknowledge existence of these behaviours in the workplace and address organisational cultures that allow them (Thompson, 2002). The recognition and acknowledgement of the existence of the detrimental behaviours in the organisation motivates the managers to urgently step in order to provide quick interventions aimed at addressing these behaviours by providing a solution or remedy. However, most of the times in order to effectively achieve the goals of these strategies, the participation of other staffs within the organisation should also be deemed equally necessary.
However, the managers of organisations usually have various strategies that they can utilise to effectively address the issues of inequality and oppression in their organisations even though their effectiveness in providing solutions to these problems are varied. Since in most cases these issues are mainly entrenched into the organisational policies and activities in addition to individual actions of the organisation staff, the most appropriate strategies are therefore the ones which will specifically target on these areas (Iles & Salaman, 1997).
For instance, the most crucial and appropriate strategy which can be used by managers to address inequality in their organisations is the development of an equality policy that is inclusive within the organisation. This is very crucial because this document aims at creating an organisation that is sustainable and at the same time reflecting the society’s rich diversity thereby ensuring equality of opportunities for all the people involved (Hassard & Pym, 1995). Therefore, the managers can initiate and collaboratively work with other management team and the organisation staffs to come up with an inclusive equality policy which is a statement written down to show that the organisation is strongly opposed to discrimination leading to inequality and oppression. This demonstrates that the organisation is committed towards becoming a fully accessible as well as inclusive place that actively welcomes and respects diversity (Kirton & Greene, 2004).
However, in order for an equality policy to be able to explicitly address inequality and oppression, it usually needs to go beyond the available legislative requirements on these issues so that it can be able to sufficiently address all forms of inequalities and oppression that may arise within the organisation. Therefore, it is a good practise for the managers to ensure the developed policy succinctly covers all aspects of these two vices by encouraging a radical approach towards challenging discrimination, harassment and oppressive behaviours across all aspects of the organisation (Thompson, 1997).
Another crucial strategy through which organisation managers can be able to address the issues of inequality and oppression is devising affirmative action programs which are intricately linked to the organisation’s corporate commitment to equal opportunity. This strategy has profoundly influenced numerous organisations towards eradicating the issues of inequality and oppression. This is mainly because these affirmative action programs ensure that there is an aggressive process of progressively scanning the organisation policies and activities in order to pinpoint where inequalities and oppression are perpetuated and thereby provide a way through which the identified behaviours will be sufficiently eliminated (Arredondo, 1996). Therefore, the created affirmative action programs act mostly as a guideline to the managers in identifying the presence of these two issues in the organisation and provide appropriate strategies that are likely to effectively address them (Harvey, 2004).
Moreover, in addressing inequality and oppression at the workplace, the managers should be always interested in ensuring that their organisations promote fairness in the process of hiring, promotion and advancement as well as remuneration (Hunt, 1992). Therefore, when the managers ensure that there is openness and fairness in these procedures, the organisations become sensitive to factors that may lead to internal job segregation on the basis of gender or race and its influence on how the work is organised and paid. However, the managers should develop a clear guideline outlining how these procedures should be carried out thereby providing a reference point with which these practises should be evaluated against to facilitate effective and timely monitoring (Thompson, 2002; Kir...
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