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(Develop)mental Disorders in Children

Essay Instructions:
Subject: Psychology (Develop)mental Disorders in Children 1) Conduct an interview and write a summation (1,250-1,500 words) about children with (develop)mental disorders. a) Interview Preliminaries i) Visit a school or mental health program for children with severe and/or multiple developmental disabilities. Interview teachers, staff, or clinical personnel. The interview should contain the following: (1) As the interviewer, pose the question to the respondent(s). (2) Write the respondent(s) answer. (3) Provide follow-up questions as necessary along with subsequent responses. b) Interview Considerations (i) What are the students' primary needs? (ii) What characteristics, traits, and behavior are exhibited by "special needs" children? (iii) What are the medical implications? (iv) What are the psychological implications? (v) What are the implications in terms of setting (school environment versus clinical)? (vi) What are the teachers' and or clinicians' responsibilities? (vii) Describe the teachers' and clinicians' interactions and activities with the children. c) Interview Summation Treatment i) Write a summation (1,250-1,500 words) about the information gleaned from the interview process. ii) Include information from interviews (e.g., direct quotes, "aha" (epiphany) moments that may have changed the way you view children with mental and or developmental disabilities in the educational and or clinical setting). iii) Include a minimum of two outside references or other resources for evidentiary. Prepare this assignment according in the APA Style. An abstract is not required.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Developmental disorders in children {Insert instructor’s name} {Insert student’s name} January 03, 2011. Developmental disorders in children Developmental disorders impair the normal functioning of children. This interview is carried within the clinical setting of which deals with children having developmental disorders. The interview took approximately 40 minutes in which two clinicians were interviewed on various issues regarding developmental disorders in children (Feuerstein, 2000). The interview entailed conditions which clinicians consider as pervasive developmental disorders in addition to highlighting various symptoms of the same. Clinicians were also requested to describe their interaction with children having developmental disorders in addition to providing reasons why they changed their perception towards developmental disorders in children. Two clinicians were interviewed after in depth consultation with them and below is a summary of the interview that was carried out (Feuerstein, 2000). Interviewer: As a clinicians which conditions do you consider or regard s pervasive developmental disorders Clinicians: There are majorly five kinds of pervasive developmental disorders. These include autism, asperger’s syndrome, Childhood disintegrative disorder, Rettis syndrome and Pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified (Feuerstein, 2000). Interviewer: As clinicians what are your understanding of each of these disorders by giving a brief description of the same. Clinicians: Autism is a condition whereby children suffering from this kind of mental disorder are not in a position to interact racially in addition to having problems with communication. Additionally, children with autism pretend to play. Interviewer: Does autism affect the interest of the children? Clinicians: Yes, children suffering from autism do have a wide range of activities and interests. Interviewer: What is your explanation pertaining to their disinterest in life and other activities According to research done by Feuerstein (2000), the lack of interest and inactivity can be blamed on mental retardation. Interviewer: Can you please give a brief explanation of what you understand about asperger’s syndrome? Clinicians: Just like autism children suffering from asperger’s syndrome are likely to experience difficulty in communication and social interaction. Interviewer: Do they also experience limited range of activities and interests like their counterparts who are suffering from autism? Clinicians: Yes, just like autism patients, they too suffer from limited range of activities and interests. Interviewer: Are there symptoms that can be used to differentiate children suffering from autism from those suffering from asperger’s syndrome? Clinicians: Yes, unlike children with autism, children with asperger’s syndrome have an intelligence that is either above average or average an aspect that makes them not to have any difficulty with either cognition or language (Feuerstein, 2000). Additionally, in a classroom setting, children suffering from asperger’s have poor concentration abilities an aspect that makes them to develop poor coordination skills. Interviewer: Out of the five disorders which two are children mostly to suffer from and are likely to impact on their education negatively? Clinicians: The most commonly experienced case is autism and asperger’s syndrome more than the two. Children suffering from the aforementioned disorders are likely to perform below average in class as a result of poor concentration, lack of interest or both (Feuerstein, 2000). Interviewer: When are signs and symptoms of both autism and asperger’s syndrome are likely recognizable? Clinicians: The symptoms of both asperger’s and autism can be easily recognized before a child reaches three years. Nonetheless, there are different manifestations of these symptoms and signs as they range from subtle to severe. Interviewer: Does this have an impact on the treatment, diagnosis and management of the same? Clinicians: Yes, parents and teachers are likely to mistaken the signs and symptoms for normal childhood development aspects. This makes it long for the physicians to be in a position to fully identify the disorder. Interviewer: How have the pediatrics tried to address the issue of late diagnosis or identification of the syndrome in children? Clinicians: Pediatrics is encouraged to be keen and look for early signs of any mental disorder in children. In addition to that they are advised to screen children between the ages 18 months to two years for any sign and symptoms of developmental syndrome (Feuerstein, 2000). Interviewer: What are the traits exhibited or behavior portrayed by children suffering from developmental disorders such as tho...
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