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Online Homeschooling versus Traditional Learning

Essay Instructions:


• First, please select a controversial, socially meaningful topic that can be covered in a few pages. Your topic must also be one that we have not discussed in detail in class. Please choose a topic that is meaningful to you, as our strongest held beliefs tend to benefit the most from challenge.

• Example (poor) topics:

o Cats are better than dogs (this is not socially meaningful)

o Abortion (too broad and unlikely to be covered in the page space)

o Social security reform (unless this is something you are deeply passionate about, skip it)

• Then, using what you’ve learned in Unit 2 (sound reasoning and strong evidence) construct 1 or 2 creative arguments (using claims, evidence/grounds, warrants from the Toulmin model) in 1-1.5 pages for each side of the issue.

• For instance, if you wrote about how homeschooling should be banned in the state of Texas, you would write ~one page about how it should be banned and ~one page about how it should not be banned. Both sides should be given equal rigor to build an airtight argument for both. In other words, give the side you don’t agree with the same attention as the side you do.

• Please choose original, creative arguments, not overused/tired ones.

Requirements: Read these carefully!

1. This paper should be 3-4 pages double spaced in APA format. See Resources below if needed.

2. See feedback from your Influence paper – not applying this will reduce your grade up to a full letter.

3. Please begin your paper with a short introduction that gains attention of the reader, gives a short background of the topic, states the importance of the paper, and provides a thesis. This should be no more than half a page.

4. The bulk of your paper should then be outlining your arguments for and against the chosen topic.

Stay under 3 pages.

5. Then, conclude your paper with a quick summary (less than 4 sentences) about the importance of the

topic. Provide an interesting close. Your goal is not to resolve the debate, but in essence to complicate

it further with nuance, interesting questions, and thoughtful analysis.

6. Please ensure your sources are from the last 5 years – this will also help you to keep your arguments

current, relevant, and original. Cite carefully to avoid plagiarism.

You can choose whatever you want the argumentative topic to be I do not have a preference. I know this is all due in an hour I just need something to turn in. Thank you so much. You are saving my life.

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Online Homeschooling versus Traditional Learning
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Online Homeschooling versus Traditional Learning
Following the onset of pandemic, online homeschooling became one of the education modes that is increasingly becoming adopted by parents for their children. As an education model, homeschooling involves instances where classes are delivered to children at the comfort of their homes. However, there exist a disagreement on the extent to which homeschooling is an effective alternative to tradition education model. The opponent of online homeschooling doubt that there are sufficient number of qualified teachers for online homeschooling. At the same time, the opponents point out that home school lack inherent benefits associated with homeschooling such as socialization. However, the view may be misguided given the recorded benefits of online homeschooling as an education model. Some of the benefits include the ability to meet the diverse needs of a learner, offering a safe learning environment for children, and scheduling flexibility. Despite public misgivings, online homeschooling remains a beneficial alternative that parents can pursue for their children.
A key benefits associated with homeschooling is its ability to meet the specific diverse need of a given learner. In traditional classroom, one teacher is expected to provide lesson to learners from diverse backgrounds who have varying needs. Consequently, some of the learners are unable to attract the attention of the teacher or keep up with the rest of learners if they have unique learning styles (Qureshi & Ali, 2022). Comparatively, online schooling provide education for only one student. Therefore, there is an opportunity for the teacher to investigate the learning style of the learner and tailor the lesson accordingly. In such a way, online homeschooling meets the needs of children with diverse needs.
Further, homeschooling is a beneficial model as it provides a safe learning environment for the learner. Increasingly, traditional classroom are become unsafe for children due to increasing level of bullying and gun shooting incidences. Traditional schools are also rife with bad company that leads to undue influence on a child. Comparatively, the pursuit of online homeschooling offer the learner a safe and comfortable learning environment. Parents who have to constantly worry about the safety of their children in traditional settings have a reliable option in online homeschooling (Dills, 2022). Thus, the pursuit of online homeschooling offer parents peace of mind regarding the safety of their children.
In addition, a key benefit of online homeschooling is flexibil...
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