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News Analysis: Globalization and Environmental Pollution

Essay Instructions:

Individual news analysis (35%)

- You may select a news article or feature in reliable magazines or newspapers related to some concrete issues on globalization (or cases) and topics covered in class via some databases (such as Wise News, Lexis/Nexis), other media, or from publications in hard copy format. The selected news may be released within a year (i.e. published between last September to this early November.) Write a commentary of about 1000 – 1200 words in English, excluding references ( double-spaced, 12 font, minimum 1 inch margin on all sides).

- Summarize the main points AND arguments presented in the news article. Analyze and discuss how it illustrates, confirms or contradicts some concepts, viewpoints or theories covered in the assigned readings and/or lectures. Include your personal point of view in response to the article, and data or information to support your argument as appropriate.

- The summary should constitute about 1/3 to half of your commentary. An outstanding news manalysis comprises a concise summary of the news article selected, identification and application of relevant concepts, as well as good argumentation and some original viewpoints on the issue written in an organized manner. (For requirements on the news analysis, please refer to “Guidelines for News Analysis.”)

- News clippings should be pasted at the end of your document by screen-printing to avoid boosting the similarity percentage. Do NOT simply provide the URL link to the news clipping.

- Paper exceeding the word limit will NOT be graded. Commentaries that simply repeat what we have covered or discussed in class are unlikely to get a high score. No resubmission of news analysis is allowed after the deadline.

Globalization: Trends and Development

Course Synopsis:

This course is an interdisciplinary introduction to the political, economic, cultural and technological developments of the increasingly globalized world. After tracing the process of globalization, students will analyze how it has been shaping and affecting the global trends of development and human activities in various aspects and contexts. This course aims to lay a knowledge base for students to examine critically the issues and perspectives of globalization at a higher level of study to be followed.

The uploaded pictures are the high-scoring example shown by the teacher~

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Word Count for the paper 1129 words
Globalization and Environmental Pollution
Institutional Affiliation
I. Introduction
Globalization refers to the interconnectedness of different countries in various relationships, which include geopolitics, culture, business, and media (Globalization Partners, 2020). Globalization has made it possible for people from different parts of the world to access products they would otherwise not have been able to access (Globalization Partners, 2020). Therefore, globalization has contributed significantly to making the world smaller (Stobierski, 2021). However, as the chosen news article demonstrates, globalization has also been associated with several shortcomings. The news article addresses how globalization contributes to environmental change. The paper will also address personal suggestions that can help reduce the negative impacts of globalization on society.
II. News Article summary
Developed nations are responsible for climate change. According to the news, every nation contributes to climate and environmental change in one way or another. However, it is important to note that different nations contribute differently to changing climates (Nilsen, 2022). A recent research study by Dartmouth identified five world's top emitters of gases contributing to global warming, including the United States, Brazil, China, India, and Russia (Nilsen, 2022). These countries result in a six trillion dollar loss in GDP from 1990 to 2014.
Out of the five countries, the United States and China were identified as the top two contributors to climate change (Nilsen, 2022). Together, the two countries contributed to about a third of the climate loss. The two countries are also the major beneficiaries of globalization as it makes it possible for them to sell their products to different parts of the world, especially developing countries such as countries in Africa.
Climate finance was set aside as funds to be distributed to developing countries that suffer the greatest impact of climate change (Nilsen, 2022). The funds are meant to help these nations adapt to the climatic crisis and enable their transition from the use of fossil fuels which contributes to environmental pollution. The article also acknowledges the loss damage policy (Nilsen, 2022). The policy was implemented to make payments to the countries that have suffered the consequence of climate change.
The news article also identified some of the effects of climate change. One of the effects includes rising sea levels. Bangladesh is one of the countries where the effect is evident. In Bangladesh, the front lines of rising sea levels are on the rise leading to flooding (Nilsen, 2022). There has also been evidence of deadly extreme heat and humidity in the country.
According to the article, representatives worldwide planned to meet during the United Nations climate summit to deliberate on the measures to control climate change (Nilsen, 2022). One of the issues to be addressed during the summit is the loss and damage policy to ensure that countries that have historically contributed to climate compensate for the damage caused (Nilsen, 2022). Rich data has been collected to demonstrate the extent of the damage to put more pressure on the richer nations.
III. Related Concepts of Globalization
The five countries named above contribute to climate and environmental pollution through the emission of poisonous gases into the atmosphere and other waste products. These companies have increased over the past few decades due to globalization, which makes it possible for them to expand their market since they can supply their goods to many parts of the world.
Globalization has created a favorable environment, enabling industries to access cheap labor and other raw materials. Globalization has also helped the growth of these companies through increased access to raw materials. These benefits of globalization have helped improve industrialization in countries such a...
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