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Observation: Personality Trait

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i have already ordered a 1 page paper but now that i have oone more week for the paper i want to make it more detailed and expand to what the writer already wrote.i can upload the page i already received and i just want more details on it and another source
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Personality Trait
Professor Name:
(March 24, 2013)

Personality Trait
Thesis: Big Five Personality theory on impulsivity
Impulsivity is an abnormal personality trait that my friend displays, it has been noted that impulsivity is characterized with poor forethought, consideration and reflection of consequences; this has resulted in my friend losing job opportunities in the first or second year of operation in companies. Impulsive actions are expressed prematurely, conceived poorly, inappropriately and risky in nature resulting to un-contenting consequences; this has led to disillusionment of the goals and strategies of the organizations that my friend has worked in, developing into a workplace conflict.
Big Five personality traits focus on the reasons behind why people reason differently on contentious issues (Raad, 2000). The theory focuses on openness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion. Application of the big five theory indicates that the interview will show consistency in letting the individual express his reasoning, the model will be used in letting my friend make sound decisions, this is by invoking a pre-thought on contentious issues. It has been observed that the theory will deliver a platform that will express a clear understanding on the reasoning behind his arguments (Raad, 2000). People with impulsive personality traits are difficult to maintain in organizations basing on the social challenges. This is because they are unpredictable and erupt at most times and can as well cause a tragedy in an organization.
The big five-personality trait is made of smaller components of traits, which are known as facets that are statistically linked. The impulsive nature of my friend is contributed by the presence of neuroticism, which is mostly characterized by angry hostility, vulnerability, depression, impulsiveness, anxiety, and self-consciousness. These are all the signs that my friend bears and even though he might not have admitted it, I could point instances where he demonstrated them. Anxiety is a condition of mind that an individual feel nervous or worried about things within the instant time. When individuals are anxious, there is a tendency of developing a certain fear of unknown and that could develop into a more serious mannerism. Self-consciousness is a state or a tendency of being self-conscious, which my friend has really demonstrated in different occasions. He is usually very shy and quiet when he meets new people. There are also comments that he makes about his appearance that pointed to his self-conscious character.
Moreover, depression is one of th...
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