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Bodies, Genders and Sexualities

Essay Instructions:
I need a CRITIQUE of the reading, Foucault, “The Deployment of Sexuality”, in History of Sexuality, pp. 75-132. THIS HAS BEEN UPLOADED SO REFER TO THOSE WHEN WRITING THIS. The course for this class is called Bodies, Genders and Sexualities and I need you to make connections between the course and the reading as well as the topic for this reading which is Foucault and Discourse Analysis. More importantly, I want connections between Freud and his writings and the course theme concepts please make them. I also want connections with this reading to be made as well if you have questions about these readings it can be included in the journal, for example if you are unclear about something that is mentioned or you do not understand this. I also want interesting quotes to be pulled out and can be explained but most of all it is an intellectual submission and critique and analyzing these readings should be done at an excellent level. I will be including all the sources so do not go to outside sources. Furthermore, this should equal to about a page and a half. I also need a separate CRITIQUE of the reading, Foucault, “My Memoirs” in Herculine Barbin, pp. 3-115. AGAIN THE READING IS UPLOADED SO REFER TO THAT ONE WHEN WRITING THIS JOURNAL. The topic for this reading is Hermaphroditism in the Two Sex Model and the course for this class is called Bodies, Genders and Sexualities and if there are any connections that can be made between the readings and the course theme concepts please make them. I also want connections between all of the articles that I have uploaded to be made as well if you have questions about these readings it can be included in the journal, for example if you are unclear about something that is mentioned or you do not understand this. I also want interesting quotes to be pulled out and can be explained but most of all it is an intellectual submission and critique and analyzing these readings should be done at an excellent level. Furthermore, this should equal to about a page and a half. Altogether it should equal to three pages Basically, each reading should be the heart of the reading but with the additional sources that I upload, those additional should be used to critique and analyze this article. Also sources that I could not upload, are ones that you are able to access on Skydrive, which I will have to include the websites here. Julliet Mitchell, ″Part Two-Feminism and Freud″ in Psychoanalysis and Feminism pp295-356: https://skydrive(dot)live(dot)com/?cid=780a6f0f8621c0f5&id=780A6F0F8621C0F5%21168&Bsrc=SkyMail&Bpub=SDX.SkyDrive&sc=Photos&authkey=!AFjCAAqdUM3fAGo Jessica Benjamin\'s Bonds of Love reading: https://skydrive(dot)live(dot)com/?cid=d457b6e7ad9727e7&id=D457B6E7AD9727E7%21162&Bsrc=SkyMail&Bpub=SDX.SkyDrive&authkey=!ACCPiXKeJ6pbwu0 Iron John by Robert Bly reading: https://skydrive(dot)live(dot)com/?cid=75b6f0aa563886e6&id=75B6F0AA563886E6%21207&Bsrc=SkyMail&Bpub=SDX.SkyDrive&authkey=!ANtbICWQANDaS4o
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Bodies, Gender, And Sexuality
The study called history of sexuality is a topic that Michel Foucault has satisfactorily analyzed, aiming to tackle the mysteries and questions regarding sexuality. Foucault states that sex catches each person unaware, stating that this causes numerous questions which are loquacious and restrained and have endless replies. The study outlines that the Western community has developed a great demand of wishing to know the truth about sex. During the ancient days of the Middle Ages, talking about sex was a formidable act, but for the last one century, there has been a certain preference to pursue on facts regarding sex and its relationship with people. Foucault’s study concerns the history of sexuality and not as a representative of nature. The topic bodies, gender, and sexuality is directly connected to this study, and the reading of Foucault and Discourse Analysis.
Foucault and Discourse Analysis have outlined numerous issues regarding the history of sexuality. It discusses about the mystery of sex (Foucault, year not available), the binary oppositions point out sex as a pure mechanics devoid of cause. The Western community has managed not to capture sex in the field of rationality. This would not be a remarkable achievement on their part, considering the way they are used to such conquests. Foucault states that it is appropriate to identify the kind of power that sex bear, putting in that there is need to know what makes people become some kind of imprudent or attentive sultan concerning their own sex and the sex of others.
The task of discovering the mystery of sex was used as tool of eliminating the sex taboos and broke free everything that binds people in respect to sex. It is therefore clear that sex mystery was assisted by the analysis that brought what looks like salvation to communities, since in the past centuries mentioning or talking about sex was considered a taboo. The story of little Hans in one of Freud’s also shows his quest for the truth about sexuality (Freud, 1909). The numerous questions that he kept asking his parents about what he termed as ‘widdler.’ Gender superiority complex is experienced when little Hans’ sister was born and at first he was jealous of her arrival but after accepting her, he still feels superior over her (Bernheimer & Kahane, 1985).
Freud managed to remove Dora’s cough symptom but as he imposed her to accept her attraction to Herr and insinuation of the interfamily drama complex, he alienated her since she stopped taking drugs after eleven weeks (Bernheimer & Kahane, 1985). Freud portrayed his insensitivity of female sexuality in his statement that Dora’s situation was just an arena of calling up different feelings of sexual stimulation in a young girl (Freud, 1996).
A hermaphrodite girl grew up without knowing that life had more surprises in store for her. As she grew up realizing that she belonged to a middle sex group, she felt uncomfortable and ashamed even to admit to herself. She narrates her experiences and her attraction to various women, which only proves her gender identification. Writing of her story alone feels like a burden as she says that she is almost facing her death due to frustrations. At the age of twenty-five, she feels lost and devastated because she thinks that no one would understand her. It is important ...
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