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NGOs Social Impact in Africa

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The question of development could be said to have defined the politics of post-colonial Africa. In addition to using local resources (human and material), Africa has received almost billions of dollars in aid and loans from the international community since the 1960s. NGOs have in particular become a permanent fixture when it comes to issues of development in Africa. However, there has been little to show for the efforts, especially Western assistance, in terms of sustainable development in Africa. Critical voices have thus been raised with regard to the efficacy of aid, whether it is good or bad in the long term, and the role of NGOs.

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NGOs Social Impact in Africa
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NGOs Social Impact in Africa
It is not clear whether the colonies are trying to clean up the mess they inflicted on African countries during the colonial period through aids or whether it is a scheme to continue colonialism in a less oppressive but cunning way. Either way, the overreliance on foreign aid by African countries is on a worrying trend, given that the political class in power have adopted the bad manners of the colonialists (Hirsch & Lopes, 2020). The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), both local and international, have played a vital role in addressing social issues overlooked by the governments in a bid to bridge the gap between African countries and the developed countries. The social impact brought about by the NGOs in the African continent is magnificent and can best be described by the efforts of the notable NGOs present in Africa.
The Red Cross is one of the first organizations that comes to mind when one hears of an NGO, especially pertaining to the African continent. Red Cross operates globally and is responsible for saving hundredths of millions of lives during wars and disasters (American Red Cross, n.d.). The organization is also at the forefront in bringing up a future generation of enthusiastic humanitarians around the world through awareness creation and hands-on training. HIV/AIDs has always been life-threatening in Africa, and Red Cross has taken the responsibility of educating the public on various aspects and also providing care for those infected and affected by the diseases (American Red Cross, n.d.). The positive impact that the Red Cross has provided to members of the society, not only in Africa but the rest of the World is simply unbelievable, and the society would be a worse place without such an organization. Other NGOs with a similar responsibility as the Red Cross and also greatly impacting the African continent include AMREF Health Africa, Doctors Without Borders, and Africa Salvation Group. These organization has played a critical role during times of pandemics, educating the general public on various issues such as transmission, prevention, stigmatization.
Africa has been ranked the poorest continent for far too long, and there is little hope for a change in the situation (Christiaensen & Hill, 201...
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