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New CPP: The final exam is split into three sections

Essay Instructions:

The final exam is split into three sections. Make sure to carefully read instructions on each

section BEFORE preparing responses. You will be required to upload ONE docx or PDF format

file for the entire exam. Please indicate with numbers and sections of questions you are

answering. Any quotations taken directly from, as well as any paraphrasing of, course

material must be cited.

The mid-term exam is worth 30% of your grade and the maximum possible score is 50 points.

You must complete and upload your exam by 9PM on Friday January 12th 2024.

Good luck!

Section One: Definitions (5 X 5 = 25 points)

Define and explain the significance of FIVE of the following terms. Make sure to draw on and

cite examples from course materials in your response. Each response should be about 100-200


1. #Metoo and hashtag feminism

2. makeover paradigm

3. Signifyin’

4. transition narrative

5. feminist consumerism

6. performativity

7. neoliberalism

Section Two: Short Essay (10 points)

You MUST answer the following question in short essay format. The response need not have a

formal introduction or conclusion, but should be written in full-sentence essay format. It should

develop an argument that responds to the question and should use evidence from the suggested

sources to defend it. The short essay should run about 250-300 words.

1. While postfeminism might have us believe that feminism has achieved its goals, a quick

look at mainstream media suggests otherwise. Using concepts and terminology

from both Rosalind Gill and Jess Butler’s articles, as well as examples of your own or

from the course, discuss how postfeminist media culture recycles age-old stereotypes

connected to gender, race, and sexuality and what the implications of this are.

Section Five: Long Essay (15 points)

Choose ONE of the following questions and write a long essay. The essay should have a clear

thesis as well as a short introduction and conclusion. It should develop an argument that

responds to the question and should use evidence from the suggested sources to defend it. Please

read the question carefully to ensure you’ve included all components. The long essay should run

about 500-600 words.

1. We have looked at multiple examples this term of how the power and position of

dominant identities are reaffirmed through their juxtaposition with marginalized

identities. With reference to at least two articles as well as an original example of your

own, discuss how this process works, making reference to gender, race, and sexuality.

2. Throughout the course, we have emphasized how meaning is not inherent in cultural

representations, but is produced through a dynamic interaction between producer,

representation (artefact), and consumer. A key implication here is that cultural

representations can simultaneously challenge and re-inscribe problematic constructions of

gender, race, and sexuality. Discuss this paradox with reference to at least two articles as

well as an original example of your own.


New CPP: The final exam is split into three sections. Make sure to carefully read instructions on each section BEFORE preparing responses. You will be required to upload ONE docx or PDF format file for the entire exam. Please indicate with numbers and sections of questions you are answering. Any quotations taken directly from, as well as any paraphrasing of, course material must be cited. The mid-term exam is worth 30% of your grade and the maximum possible score is 50 points. You must complete and upload your exam by 9PM on Friday January 12th 2024. Good luck! Section One: Definitions (5 X 5 = 25 points) Define and explain the significance of FIVE of the following terms. Make sure to draw on and cite examples from course materials in your response. Each response should be about 100-200 words. 1. #Metoo and hashtag feminism 2. makeover paradigm 3. Signifyin’ 4. transition narrative 5. feminist consumerism 6. performativity 7. neoliberalism Section Two: Short Essay (10 points) You MUST answer the following question in short essay format. The response need not have a formal introduction or conclusion, but should be written in full-sentence essay format. It should develop an argument that responds to the question and should use evidence from the suggested sources to defend it. The short essay should run about 250-300 words. 1. While postfeminism might have us believe that feminism has achieved its goals, a quick look at mainstream media suggests otherwise. Using concepts and terminology from both Rosalind Gill and Jess Butler’s articles, as well as examples of your own or from the course, discuss how postfeminist media culture recycles age-old stereotypes connected to gender, race, and sexuality and what the implications of this are. Section Five: Long Essay (15 points) Choose ONE of the following questions and write a long essay. The essay should have a clear thesis as well as a short introduction and conclusion. It should develop an argument that responds to the question and should use evidence from the suggested sources to defend it. Please read the question carefully to ensure you’ve included all components. The long essay should run about 500-600 words. 1. We have looked at multiple examples this term of how the power and position of dominant identities are reaffirmed through their juxtaposition with marginalized identities. With reference to at least two articles as well as an original example of your own, discuss how this process works, making reference to gender, race, and sexuality. 2. Throughout the course, we have emphasized how meaning is not inherent in cultural representations, but is produced through a dynamic interaction between producer, representation (artefact), and consumer. A key implication here is that cultural representations can simultaneously challenge and re-inscribe problematic constructions of gender, race, and sexuality. Discuss this paradox with reference to at least two articles as well as an original example of your own.

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Mid Term Exams

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Section One: Definitions

1 #Metoo and hashtag feminism: This is a social media campaign that began in 2017. #Metoo campaign aimed at addressing and raising awareness about assault and sexual harassment at the workplace. The campaign was initiated in 2006 by African American women’s rights activists Tarana Burke in 2006. In 2017, the campaign gained more popularity when Alyssa Milano, an actress, employed it to respond to sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein, a Hollywood producer. The campaign gained popularity and created a platform through which women shared their experiences with gender-based violence. The movement created a sense of solidarity, challenged patriarchal norms, and empowered survivors. In the context of Hashtag feminism, the movement influenced legal reforms, public discourse, and corporate policies pertaining to gender-based violence.

2 Makeover paradigm: The makeover paradigm describes a cultural movement in which people seek self-improvement through physical changes. This concept is frequently shown in the media and popular culture. It promotes the notion that personal success and happiness may be achieved through changes in appearance. Reality TV shows like "Queer Eye," in which people endure makeovers that include not just physical changes but also emotional and psychological shifts, exemplify the paradigm. The makeover paradigm showcases society's shifting attitudes on acceptance, self-expression, and the role of physical appearance on personality. With the growth in popular culture, different agendas are set on what people perceive.

3 Signifyin’: This is a term that was developed by Henry Louis Gates Jr. The idea was developed to examine the storytelling traditions within African American vernacular. It fostered the use of double entendre and linguistic play undermines prevailing narratives. For instance, during slavery, individuals would sing apparently harmless spirituals containing concealed messages of resistance. Signifyin' holds importance by emphasizing the ability of marginalized communities to shape their own stories and contest power structures through subtle methods. In African American literature, authors like Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes employed signifyin' as a literary technique. An example is Hughes' poem "Theme for English B," where he uses language to address racial identity and challenge stereotypes.

4 Feminist consumerism: Feminist consumerism is a concept used to describe the changing consumer behaviour toward the consumption of goods and services linked to feminist ideas and values. The concept is used to define the changing consumption paradigm in which individuals purchase goods and services that promote inclusivity, ethical practices, and gender equality. A notable example is the rise on the number of merchandise that feature empowering slogans. Business organizations are fueling the emphasis on feminist consumerism as the employ it as a form of corporate social responsibility. While the concept has been used to empower women, critiques believe that some corporations are employing it as a tool to manipulate feminist consumers.

5 Neoliberalism: This was an economic policy developed in the mid-20th century to promote the ideas of free market, individual responsibility, and deregulation. The two prominent figures associated with the development of neoliberal ideas are Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman. The concept was, however, popularized in the political arena with former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, and former US president, Ronald Reagan becoming the principal proponents of the ideology. An example of neoliberalism was deregulation in which the government reduced barriers to entries in some industries thereby increasing competition. Socially, some people viewed neoliberalism as an economic tool that marginalized women who were not as powerful to compete in the free market.

Section Two: Short Essay

The postfeminism proponents are highly misleading the world about the supposed achievements of feminism going by the reality showcased

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