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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Final paper

Essay Instructions:
The final paper should be a Word file format (.docx or .doc file only, 2-3 pages double- spaced 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins). The only information at the top of the first page should be your name, and the title of the paper. Your work-cited pages (reference pages) do not count. You must submit your final paper to the UB Learns page by 06:00 PM on Wednesday, January 17. I will not accept late or make-up paper. The final paper requires you to choose any topic related to a contemporary diversity issue or any cultural contents like movie, play, TV shows, social media, YouTube, etc., and to analyze it using sociological perspectives covered in the readings and lectures. The following sections should be included in your final paper: 1. Statement of the topic: introduce your topic, your research questions, and its significance to the reader (e.g. what your topic is about, why/how important or controversial the topic is, what is/are your question(s) about the topic, etc.) 2. Analyze and Synthesize: find one or two sociological theories, perspectives, and/or concepts that can explain your topic and discuss how your research question can be or cannot be answered by your selected sociological perspectives. Whatever your interest is, you are required to explain how your topic is related to a specific sociological perspective. 3. Bibliography (not included in the 2-3 pages): it is essential that you include proper citations when you mention, quote, or paraphrase other sociological and relevant field scholars and their ideas/concepts. Failure to use proper citation can be considered plagiarism. Failure to follow instructions and to use sociological perspectives will result in point deduction. Any kind of AI generated or helped writing will be considered academic dishonesty, and results in serious point deduction.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Critical Analysis of the Representation of LGBTQ+ Members in Contemporary Films Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor’s Name Submission Date Statement of the Topic Although the biological discrepancies between females and males are fairly straightforward, the cultural and social aspects of being a woman or a man can be vastly multifaceted. Representation of people of diverse gender identities and sexuality is a major issue in contemporary films and television. Whereas the vast majority of human beings have engaged in sexual relationships, different communities interpret sexual activity and sexuality in different ways. Different societies have different definitions of what constitutes normal sexual behavior based on their respective values and norms (Thomson, 2021). The film industry is one of the most prominent branches of contemporary media, reaching and influencing billions of people globally. This industry also plays a major role in shaping the viewers’ opinions and beliefs (Haris et al., 2023). Amid this backdrop, sexuality is a major barrier to equality, diversity, and inclusion in the film industry. Recent data from Creative Skillset indicated that only 10 percent of the participants in the film industry identified themselves as LGBTQ+ (Ozimek, 2020). Concerning diversity in the television broadcasting industry, only 4 percent of the workers self-identified as LEGBTQ+ (Ozimek, 2020). This points to a great need to examine the representation of LGBTQ+ in the film and television sectors to identify gaps and establish avenues to boost diversity, equality, and inclusivity in such contexts. Research Questions The following research questions wi...
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