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Essay Instructions:
Reaction Paper 2 This assignment builds upon key sociological aspects of race and ethnicity. This is yet another opportunity to really consider, as budding Sociologists, what is happens between people! The assignment involves watching ONE TEDTalk of your choice (you have six different videos to choose from) and then writing your responses to several questions based on the TEDTalk video. Please number your responses in answering the questions. Your entire paper should be at least 4-5 pages in length, typed, double-spaced in 12-point font with one-inch margins, pages numbered, your name on the upper left corner, and edited for spelling and grammatical errors. Yes, you can label your "steps" in writing your responses but DO NOT use bullet points. Write in complete sentences with paragraphs. Make sure to cite any sentences/excerpt you use verbatim. The better strategy is to paraphrase. Write at a college level; minimize excessive spelling/grammatical errors (worth 1 point). Edit and spell-check! HOW TO CITE A TEDTALK IN ASA FORMAT: Remember, the ASA citation guide Download ASA citation guideis in the first Welcome module. Make sure to use it correctly when citing from any source. Students often think that the only time a citation is necessary is for a quote (it is, and you need to include the page number or exact place in the source). But even if you paraphrase, it is still good practice to cite in text. And, please include a Works Cited page this time (worth 1 point). Podcast CitationsLinks to an external site. and TEDTalks can be hard to cite. Here is the example to follow for this paper: ASA Format Speaker Last name, First name. YEAR. “Talk Title.” TED. Month Day. URL. ASA Works Cited Example Jacobs, Aaron. 2021. “The Life Cycle of a Cup of Coffee.” TED. November 7. https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/a_j_jacobs_the_life_cycle_of_a_cup_of_coffee. ASA In-Text Citation Format (Speaker YEAR: exact time in video) ASA In-Text Citation Example (Jacobs 2021: 3:15) While it may be tempting to use some type of AI to assist with this assignment, please refrain from doing so. Remember, you all agreed at the beginning of the quarter to this in the form of academic integrity. Further, we take time to create original, inspiring paper prompts with questions that get you thinking sociologically. We respect you and your learning as students in this class. Please respect this effort and do your own work. We care most about what YOU have to say. Cite appropriately. Make sure to upload your Reaction Paper as either a WORD or PDF document. "PAGES" or "RTF" documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit. STEP ONE Choose to watch and write about ONE of the following six TEDTalks on race and ethnicity: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=a4jPGhN5TCM https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=3m728kmKRJE https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/sean_sherman_why_aren_t_there_more_native_american_restaurants https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/liz_kleinrock_how_to_teach_kids_to_talk_about_taboo_topics https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/sara_jones_my_story_of_love_and_loss_as_a_transracial_adoptee https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/america_ferrera_my_identity_is_a_superpower_not_an_obstacle STEP TWO Write your responses to the following questions after you have watched the ONE TEDTalk video of your choice: Which TEDTalk video did you select to watch for this assignment? Why did you decide to watch this particular video? Describe in detail the overall “point” of the TEDTalk. What is the focus, main argument, central concept(s) or key social issue that it attempts to address regarding race/ethnicity? Discuss the talk in a few short paragraphs. Who is the person giving the TEDTalk? Describe them in terms of who they are, what their relation is to the content they're discussing, and why you think they are giving the TEDTalk. Do you think this person is qualified to speak on the topic? Why or why not? Choose one memorable moment from the talk. Describe why the moment stood out to you and is particularly memorable (this may require you to provide a little more information from the talk in order to set up the moment in a way that is understandable to someone who has not seen it!). How does the TEDTalk relate to this week's textbook reading (Lawston Chapter 10)? Explain one direct connection between the textbook chapter and the video/talk you watched. What do you think Sociologists would say about this TEDTalk? How does it help us better understand race and ethnicity (and what happens between people)? What is your overall impression of the TEDTalk? What was it like watching it (bored, excited, curious, angry)? What criticisms do you have, or what didn’t you like/agree with during the talk? Would you recommend this TEDTalk to someone else? Why or why not? Write TWO discussion questions based on the TEDTalk (as if you were the professor!). Think about asking questions on key aspects, take-home points or main arguments from the talk. What questions can you ask that would hold viewers accountable for the information, get them to think critically, and also apply their sociological imaginations? In writing your discussion questions, remember to be specific and clear! ------------ As a reminder, make sure to upload your Reaction Paper as either a WORD or PDF document. "PAGES" or "RTF" documents are unacceptable as Canvas cannot open them. If we cannot open your file, you will not receive credit.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Teaching Children about Taboo Topics Name of Student Name of University Name of Course and Code Name of Professor Date Teaching Children about Taboo Topics I watched the TEDTalk video “How to Teach Kids to Talk About Taboo Topics” by Liz Kleinrock (Kleinrock 2019: 1:40). I decided to watch this particular video since it resonates with my belief about how children understand things that adults might think they are not crucial. For example, a significant percentage of parents and educators are not willing to illustrate topics, such as racism and sexuality, since they think that young individuals do not comprehend them. However, to their surprise, children need explanations of things that happen in society since it is the only way they can learn how to respond to various appropriately. Kleinrock’s TEDTalk video primarily focuses on teaching children about racism. In particular, racism has been a controversial issue in society for many years. The difference in racial identities makes some people stereotype, label, or discriminate against specific demographics (Daly 2023). Kleinrock gives an example of where a third-grader said something that offended half of the students in her classroom. Abby said, “Maybe some people don’t like black people because their skin is the color of poop” (Kleinrock 2019: 00:36). This student was trying to answer a question that was asked by another learner about why some individuals are racists. Kleinrock was left in shock to see her learners’ reactions, which is why she thought it was vital to address the problem in a way to helps her young learners understand more about racism. The key social problem discussed in the video is racism and how young learners should be taught to respond to it more appropriately. For example, if Kleinrock had reprimanded Abby for saying that some people do not like African Americans since their skin color resembles that of a poop, that student might not have confidence in the future to discuss anything pertaining to race. Since society comprises people from different races and ethnicities, it is good to teach children how to respect others regardless of their racial affiliation. The person giving the TEDTalk, Kleinrock, is a teacher for third-graders. Kleinrock being a professional teacher understands well the importance of teaching children how to respond to racism. She relates well to the content she is discussing since issues of racism are there in the society where children are brought up. Kleinrock created a conducive environment while responding to Abby’s question without criticizing her negatively due to her racist comment. In my opinion, she decided to give this TEDTalk to bring awareness to the public and the teaching fraternity that young learners need to be educated about racism, sexuality, and other things happening in society today. Besides, children notice the issue of racism at an early age since they see injustices directed toward others (Lingras 2021). In particular, Kleinrock is qualifi...
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