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Negotiation Strategies and Procedures

Essay Instructions:

Module 3 - Home


Modular Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to satisfy the following outcomes:

• Case 

o Explain the importance of preparing for a bargaining or negotiating session, and the need to define our interests and positions.

• SLP 

o Explain the importance of preparing for a bargaining or negotiating session, and the need to define our interests and positions.

o Explain the three phases of the negotiating process.

o Discuss the concept and principles of effective collaboration.

• Discussion 

o Discuss the concept and principles of effective collaboration.

Module Overview

Negotiation is but one of an array of conflict management strategies or approaches, open before us, when we encounter conflict. We will see that the decision to choose this strategy is a timely decision, based and dependent upon: the specific situation; the nature of the conflict; the sides/parties and the relations between them; time constraints; the stakes; and more.

Negotiation is all about; two sides having their own respective solutions to a conflict or to the differences between them, and their attempt to reach one agreed solution, breaching on the way, human behaviors and substantial factors, that separate the two sides.

The fundamental point to bear in mind is that where there is no dependency between the two sides, there will be no need for negotiation.

In this module we will delve into the principles and mechanics of:

• Bargaining or Positional Negotiations

• Collaboration and Principled Negotiations

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Module 3 - Background


Please review the following materials in this order and access via ProQuest where no link is provided:

1. Shachar, M. (2011). Conflict Resolution Management (CRM). Text Book. Chapter 4.

2. Power Point Presentation: Foundations of Conflict Resolution: Module 3

3. For your Case Assignment:

Van Wanrooy, B. (2009). Women at Work in Australia: Bargaining a Better Position? Australian Bulletin of Labour. Adelaide: 2009. Vol. 35, Iss. 4; pg. 611.

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Module 3 - Case


Assignment Overview

Of the very many topics and issues raised in this module, I have chosen to focus on the preparatory phase. A solid preparation is the key for effective negotiations. It reduces uncertainty; it saves overall time, and allows for focus.

The following article sheds an interesting light on Australian women preparing for negotiations within the workplace.

Case Assignment

Please read (access via ProQuest): van Wanrooy, B. (2009). Women at Work in Australia: Bargaining a Better Position? Australian Bulletin of Labour. Adelaide: 2009. Vol. 35, Iss. 4; pg. 611.

Abstract: The Australian industrial relations system has undergone significant upheaval in the last few decades, with a push towards decentralization. Women have traditionally relied on centralized wage setting and other statutory arrangements to improve their chances of equitable outcomes. One factor to which the widening gender pay gap is attributed is the introduction of enterprise and individual agreements (van Gellecum 2008). Using the Australia at Work study, this paper explores women's experiences at work, focusing on their position in the labor market and their role in bargaining at the workplace. Using the Australia at Work study this paper examines the quality of women's employment in terms of how they are engaged and the types of work they in which they are engaged. Evidence of men and women's levels of bargaining power and involvement in workplace negotiation is also provided. The improvement and maintenance of many women's working conditions will rest on the success or failure of the low-paid bargaining stream.

After carefully reading through the background materials, and this article, please answer (in about 3 pages), the following questions:

You have been chosen to represent the women in their bargaining with their employers.

1. What are the fundamental problems facing women wishing to improve on their employment within the workplace?

2. How would you prepare for the negotiations? The key word is "prepare."

3. What would you define as an interest (at least two), and what as possible positions to these interests?

Assignment Expectations

1. Focus on (Q2) the preparations you will make.

2. Distinguish (Q3) between the interests and positions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Negotiation Strategies & Procedures
Institutional Affiliation;
According to sources, women have different negotiation styles within a work environment. According to Dittrich, Knabe, & Leipold (2014), there are equal performance levels between men and women in any working station and turn out to be different especially when it comes to the manner in which they communicate, especially in asking for an improvement in their employment within the workplace. It has been determined that Australian women experience several challenges at workplaces, a factor that critically needs a critical review to determine their place in the labor market and the roles they play in the bargaining process at the workplace.
According to sources, women are prone to part-time jobs, low-qualified jobs including low-paid duties that have been discovered to limit their ability to negotiate better their employment terms. Irrespective of their positions in the labor market, women have only relied upon awards that determine their pay conditions with policies aimed at undermining this ideology treated as inequitable for women (Dittrich, et, al). Negotiations, therefore, remain the only tool that would resolve the conflicts of interest in such situations. However, women are known to choose from a range of negotiation approaches in order to convey their ideas into handling such work related issues. It is against this foundation that this paper seeks to determine the prospects of women bargaining with their employers.
Fundamental Problems Facing Women
It is essential to mention that the job market has been infiltrated and dominated by the masculine dominance perception as a factor that has significantly hindered gender equity within a work environment. Due to this, several barriers have stood the ground for women in engaging in rewarding work, a factor that has in turn limited their pay and promotion, and career development opportunities (Feidakis, & Tsaoussi, 2009). In addition to this, research has discovered that experiences gained from part-time experiences have negatively impacted the manner in which women are paid in the Australian labor market.
Another factor that immensely affects women in employment is the element of feminization in which they dominate particular fields such as nursing, teaching and service industries such as the retail and hospitality industry that has resulted in gender lines drawn in the labor market. Due to this factor, the inquiry in women’s pay and working conditions face inequalities a factor that has resulted in gender wage disparities (Feidakis, & Tsaoussi, 2009). Out of this, it is essential to note that enterprise bargaining remains an important element that can enable women to negotiate more flexible and equitable for themselves in an attempt to address the issues that affect their working conditions.
Preparing For the Negotiations
Women can engage in a collective bargaining process at an organizational level both with and without the involvement of the unions. The preparations of the negotiation process involves following some bargaining processes within an organizations that are defined by the law as well as equipping the women with the knowledge of how to fully participate in the process (Shachar, 2011). In preparation, it is essential that an understanding of the issue and pe...
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