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How Necessary Is It To Adopt A False Self In Order To Be Successful In American Society?

Essay Instructions:

Two Given Essays:

In “Paper Tiger”, Wesley Yang explores the subtle forms of discriminations toward Asian Americans, which often prevents them from achieving success in spite of their hard work and diligence. In “Preface” and “The New Civil Rights,” Kenji Yoshino examines how minority groups “cover” their true selves in order to assimilate into the mainstream. In both cases, the authors feel somewhat like outsiders, on the periphery of society.

1.Make it easy to understand, and have a clear structure

2. One introduction, three bodies, one conclusion.

3.Each body should contain two quotes from different given essays. Explain the quotes, analysis them and also connect them.

4. Each body should start with the topic sentence. And three topic sentences should referred to the thesis.

5. Thesis should be at the bottom of the introduction.

6. Each quote should contain the page number

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Minority groups have and still face insurmountable challenges in their quest to succeed in America. In particular, Asian Americans face social exclusion and discrimination right from school, work place and by extent their social life simply because they do not exemplify mainstream attributes that are considered essential for one to be truly American. To be ‘mainstream’ in America is to be white or to embody white characteristics. This has necessitated the need for ‘covering’ among such racial minority groups in a bid to gain social inclusion. In the back drop of this, such minority groups still face prejudice from the judicial system which has failed to protect their civil rights. This has led to the emergence of new civil rights movement that advocates covering ones true self so as to assimilate into the mainstream. In particular, Asian Americans face different forms of discrimination that have impeded their capacity to succeed. Although America presents unsurpassed opportunities for all, it is not reallynecessary for minority groups to adopt a false-self inorder to succeed in America. This essay reviews how Asian Americans have resort to ‘covering’ as a remedy for their social exclusion and as a means to assimilate into the mainstream.
The success of Asian Americans has not come as a result of adopting a false-self, but rather through hard work and persistence. According to Yang (2011), they have earned a title of ‘Paper Tigers’due to their academic excellence. Despite their hard work, the ‘mainstream’ still disregards them on diverse grounds. For instance, Young (2011) argues that despite their sterling performance, they are regarded as successful simply because they are‘cotched’. Notwithstanding this reality, he provides a case study which suggests that indeed Asian Americans have high intellect if SAT scores are anything to go by. Young has illustrated that In New York City, where Asians constitute a paltry 12.5% of the population, 72% of the student population at Stuyvesant, which is a specialized High school are Asian American students (p.523). He goes further to state that 569 Asian Americans were admitted the school as compared to 179 whites, 13 Hispanics and 12 Blacks. In a top New York specialized school where admission is purely based on meritocracy, he argues that this phenomenon simply illustrates that Asian Americans have the intellect to succeed. However, notwithstanding their high admission test scores, members of this community face discrimination when joining colleges. These students face discrimination since they have to work extremely hard to secure college admission as compared to their white counterparts. A sociologist professor from Princeton University observes that American colleges have taken note of the intellectual imbalance and have thus devised a “discriminatory strategy” aimed at “normalizing” the imbalance. The professor argues that for Asian American students to get an equal college admission chance, they must score 140 points above their comparable white students (Yang, p.545). This institutional discrimination applied against minority groups in college admission while favoring the mainstream could to some extend signify the importance of adopting a false-self in order to succeed in America. Going by the professor’s observation, it would seem that adopting a false-self cannot help Asian American students pose as their white counterparts. Not working hard does not make them mainstream; neither does it make them appear so. This is because their true identity is separate and in fact more than sheerhard work.
Although some minority groups now use covering as a means of gaining assimilation into the mainstream, their biggest challengeis covering theirtrue andactual identity. Specifically, Asian Americans cannot mask their facial appearance even if they can successfully adopt other mainstream attributes. The argument by Yang (2011) that Asian Americans are unsuccessful even though they have exceptional academic and professional performance is incorrect. Although minority groups face undue discrimination due to lack of social inclusion, covering may only help them assimilate but not succeed in America. In fact the new legal paradigm will play an insignificant role in the new civil rights movementsince the greatest challenge for Asian Americans is not assimilation, but rather covering their true identity (p.545).Therefore adopting a false-self is not necessarily what one needs to succeed in America, even though it might help to a lesser extent.In fact, the failure by the judiciary to protect minority groups for covering is appalling since the civil rights laws are meant to protect rather than hold minority groups accountable for covering.Accordingly, Yang (2011) argues that everybody in America has a false-self. Similarly, Kenji Yoshimoto states that every person has a false-self that ultimately masks the true one (p.545).If this is so, then every American including the mainstream has a false-self that covers their true identity. Ther...
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