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Should Self-Driving Cars Replace Human Drivers?

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Should Self-Driving Cars Replace Human Drivers?
Should Self-Driving Cars Replace Human Drivers?
Regardless of what people say or do, the truth is that car makers are convinced that self-driving cars are the future. According to Weir (2015), public safety is the one and only incentive automotive designers have to replace human drivers with driverless cars. Apparently, human beings are too reckless and prone to err that they have to be replaced. Typically, at this point, as a researcher, one normally presents data that counters the above statement. However, evidence does indeed suggest that human drivers are careless and reckless. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), human error is responsible for more than 90% of all the road accidents. The evidence is incriminating but should self-driving cars replace human drivers? The answer is a big NO! Technology can never be the answer to human error or can never replace human beings. Regardless of how hard the automotive designers try to sell the idea, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that self-driving cars will lead to more issues than the designers are willing to admit.
First of all, introducing the technology on a larger scale will have scathing effects on some businesses. According to Dallegro (2015), “futurists estimate that hundreds of billions of dollars (if not trillions) will be lost by automakers, suppliers, dealers, insurers, parking compnies, and many other car-related enterprises.” Dallegro continues to state that...
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