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My “Take-Aways” Gained from the Course

Essay Instructions:

Check order 00133959, 00135161, 00136262, 00136831. They are all for this course PPD 545 - Public and Nonprofit Organizational Behavior.
At the end of the semester, you are required to write a short paper (800-1000 words) that explains what you think are the three most interesting lessons and/or useful “take-aways” you gained from the course. This paper can focus on any of the material addressed in the course, including readings, lectures, class discussions, group exercises, etc. Your discussion should clearly and concisely explain what you have learned as well as why you think these lessons are important or valuable to you personally. In other words, this paper should be reflective and self-evaluative, explaining how and why what you learned in the class can be helpful to you now and/or in the future. In general, you should focus on how these lessons will be helpful to you going forward rather than on how they give you a better understanding of things that have happened in the past.
This paper is worth up to 10 points, and will be evaluated in terms of the extent to which it is thoughtful and reflective, identifies specific lessons, clarifies the personal importance/relevance of your three lessons, identifies new or different ways of thinking or acting stimulated by course material, and is well-written.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

My Take-Away
My Take-Away
After learning how to get the best out of a team and deal with conflict, I felt more informed because I consider myself a leader. I understood that to be a good leader, and I have to understand the dynamics of running a group and get the best out of them in the long run. This can be done through developing principles that dictate and guide the action of my group. In addition, I have to develop and impose an identity to help create togetherness and a conducive environment that motivate contribution and participation from everyone. The most exciting part of this lesson was collaboration and its importance. It holds the group together and enables a common goal to be reached. It also evokes loyalty and commitment from the group members, which helps attain a set of goals. Based on this, I saw the importance of incorporating collaboration skills to help actualize my set goal within my group.
Developing a shared identity is also critical because if my group members still see themselves as individuals, many will seek personal glory at the group's expense. Therefore, as a leader, I need to develop an identity to work towards a common goal and participate actively. I also learned that the extent of participation of my members is significantly tied to their feeling of importance. Thus, I have to make my members feel important and included. This can be done by urging the members to share their opinions and involve them during the decision-making process. I also learned that conflict is an everyday occurrence because people are social beings. Conflict is inevitable. Depending on the intensity of a conflict, the performance of a group can be hindered. However, as a leader, I need to find ways of solving them and not eliminate the chance of conflict occurrence because they can be good to some point.
I also learned steps on how to improve employees' performance. This can be achieved through employee incentives, employee participation, job decision, and goal setting. I learned that employees tend to improve their performance when paid more; thus, financial incentives correlate with performance. Secondly, employee participation refers to the level of joint decision-making process between empl...
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