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Movement of Chinese Food to the United States

Essay Instructions:

For this zine project, details are listed in the syllabus, I kind want to do it as power point style, it has to be 12 pages/slides(include the front and back page), but including all the images, the for the words probably 3pages words is fine. And I am thinking about the topic regarding to the movement of Chinese food, how is was existed in China originally and move to the united states, such like orange chicken, and it has to be related to the readings as I attached. (the topic can be: recipe of the dish are different in different countries/how people think/ (since this is a zine project, the tone of the words can be interesting or funny)

I ordered 6pages, because another 3 pages are for the reflection paper.

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Food has an impact on every aspect of human life, including the surroundings, agricultural production, our economic system, wellness, and even our interactions. Food can be sentimental and provide strong linkages to family members or nations. Food can serve as a link for immigrants to discover their place in modern society. Food can have a wide range of meanings. And just like everything, food is also subjected to changes. Food is comparable to language. Food and language both gradually conform to changing circumstances just like any society propagates around the world. Hence, food has influenced society, and society has influenced food.
Chinese foods had experienced booms and busts in the United States. American Cuisine. Chinese cuisine made its way to the United States. The Chinese arrived in America a few years before the date of the American Civil War. They were a large group of Asian migrants to America who introduced the very first Asian cuisine to the country. Chinese cuisine was the first cultural food to be heavily commercialized as a food type prepared and ingested outside of the home on a national scale. At the end of the nineteenth century, Chinese cuisine started to attract constantly growing non-Chinese customers of various nationalities in cities across the country, and by 1980, Chinese cuisine had become the most renowned ethnic cuisine in the United States, backed by a resurgence of Chinese immigration to America. The economic impact of Chinese cuisine was significant. This has been a source of income for Chinese Americans. This has been a major source of income. This is similar to the Cambodian Donuts scenario. With few exceptions, the very first generation of Cambodians to immigrate to the United States does not regard doughnuts as having a special connection to a distinctively Cambodian American identity. Instead, they continue to define mainly as survivors, with doughnuts trying to serve as a means to two ends: a livelihood for themselves and a relatively broad range of opportunities for their children (Curtis, 2013). Therefore, Chinese cuisine's progression has been a significant phase in the history of America. The progression has also been an essential of the experience of the Chinese Americans. Nonetheless, Chinese cuisine has not gained the attention it truly deserves. Even though it originated from an old country, it has remained near the bottom of America's gastronomical hierarchy (Chen, 2017). Thus, Chinese food had a long way before it became famous in the United States.
There are specific Chinese foods that were very famous in the United States. Even during the Exclusion Period, Chinese immigrants managed to maintain their eateries open. Eateries offered a means for immigrants to obtain special vendor visas and thus become legal immigrants. Importantly, this vendor exemption enabled those who met the criteria to return to China and brought relatives and friends with them as employees and associates. The Chinese food scene also made a comeback in the 1900s with chop suey, which was a staple Chinese dish in America until the 1960s. Chop suey, an American Chinese dish, was liable for a change in American attitudes toward the Chinese immigrant population around the twentieth century (Lee, 2013). According to rumors, the dish first emerged on the Eastern Coast in 1896, when Chinese diplomat Li Huang Chuang visited the United States and articulated an urge to eat Chinese food. To his delight, after a local cook provided him with chop suey, the dish rapidly became a trending food product despite its American roots, particularly after favorable media coverage in the weeks following the renowned event (Arnold et al., 2018). Hence, Chop suey has been well-known and a staple food also.
One popular Chinese-American dish is the Orange Chicken. This dish poses questions such as “How did it move?” and “What happened on the way to change it from a lemon chicken stir-fry to the crunchy, sweet, and savory dish ordered in a Chinese restaurant?” Their district was devastated at the time by a revolution and an economic crisis. Their food includes some sweet elements, but it is primarily composed of stir-fried vegetables and meat consumed with rice. The original "Orange Chicken" had no flours and a sauce made of remaining orange or lime peels cooked with soy sauce, peppers, and garlic. The sauce had a citrus flavor, but it was not as strong or sweet as one might expect. Chinese immigrants opened the first “Chow Chow” eateries in America. Chow Chow eateries have become well-known for their low-cost food. A customer can eat as many as he wants for a dollar. To maximize everything, the cooks used cooking modifications such as cheaper vegetables and using all parts of an animal. The cooks are constantly working not to waste any of the ingredients. And when the Americans learned about these strategies, they were astounded. Chinese restaurants began to incorporate American taste buds in the mid-1900s, which preferred fuller flavors with a sweeter taste. Sodas became increasingly popular, and the desire for sweetener in beverages permeated Chinese cuisine. Because oil enhances flavor, Chinese restaurants have begun deep-frying meats. After the addition of sweetener and corn starch to help plump up and sweeten...
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