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Defining "Purpose" in Pathfinder 2

Essay Instructions:

This Pathfinder Summary II involves asking you a few questions about Chapters 15-29.

Please answer each question thoroughly with GENUINE reflection rather than “correct” answers. Your entire paper should be at least 5-7 pages in length, typed, double-spaced in 12-point font with one-inch margins, pages numbered, your name on the upper left corner, and edited for spelling and grammatical errors. Yes, you can number your responses but DO NOT use bullet points. Write in complete sentences with thoughtful responses.

1. How does The Pathfinder specifically define “purpose?” What, according to Lore, does it mean to “live from a purpose?” What, in your own opinion, are the benefits to living from a purpose? What are some of the drawbacks to living from a purpose? Is it possible/useful to distinguish between living from a purpose and working from a purpose? How so?

2. Choose one “purpose” that you would be willing to dedicate yourself to in the next few years of your life. Declare your purpose by writing it down as one complete sentence/statement in BOLD font. Then, discuss at least two ways to express, achieve, or succeed with your chosen purpose. Finally, are you ready to “live from this purpose?” Why or why not? Do you envision "working from this purpose?" How so? How does having a sociological imagination (that you've been developing in this course) help you live and/or work from your stated purpose?

3. While you may have your heart set on a particular profession, brainstorm a list of TWO possible career choices that you could see yourself doing. Think about your talents, personality, dreams, plans, and goals. For each career choice, discuss 1) why you're interested in that career, and 2) why you'd be successful in that career. Which is your top career choice? Why is it your top choice, and what skills and talents (the book makes distinctions between each of these, so discuss both) do you have that would ensure your success in that particular career?

4. How does Sociology as a discipline fit into the two possible career choices you've just discussed (in question #3)? How might this specific course (Sociology 1) influence your future education and career trajectories?

5. Choose ONE of the "Inquiries" that you completed from Chapters 15-29 to discuss. Which inquiry did you complete (name it) and what was the overall outcome/result of the inquiry (describe in detail what you did)? Why did you decide to complete that particular inquiry and what personal insights did you gain from doing it? How might this inquiry help in finishing school, making future decisions and planning your career?

From the client:
For question 3, I want to become a Financial risk analyst for my future career.

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In the book, a purpose is defined as an ongoing commitment to a particular principle that becomes your personality, the person you are destined to become. It requires one to contribute by developing a commitment to an outside principle more than yourself (Lore, 2012). The effort and commitment enhance so much that it becomes you and your innermost personality.
Living from a purpose means you will never get a purpose automatically from the heavens above; you have to choose a drive yourself and live for it. Living for a purpose will not make one better than others but provide them with a sense of direction and make the journey more enjoyable (Lore, 2012). You don’t have to be a famous personality to find the purpose for your work.
Living from a purpose offers countless benefits to a person. It makes people step out of their comfort zone and strive to fulfill their purpose. People step outside their usual boundaries for the better. Since you will be dedicated to a purpose, you will make the choices that favor it and make it work, so there is a sense of achievement and self-fulfillment. Since your purpose gives you a goal, a target, you will rely on it immediately if the pathway is not working in its favor and change your course of action in time. It will all make your life more exciting instead of dwelling on dullness.
However, everything that has benefits has a few drawbacks too. Living from a purpose is brilliant, streamlining and directing all your activities towards a goal. Still, if you do not do anything else in your life and neglect all other experiences, the chances are that you might become obsessed with this purpose instead of working towards it with your heart.
Yes, it is possible and helpful to distinguish between living from a purpose and working from a purpose. When you live for a purpose, you are committed to a principle with all your heart, and it seeps into your personality and molds it accordingly. Working from a purpose comprises directing your work-related activities towards the end goal (Lore, 2012). In the way, you might have to change the course of action or the working method. So, while working from a purpose can change over time, living from a purpose remains consistent.
My purpose will be to meet as many people as possible utilizing business activities, events, parties, traveling, and building connections with those with the most positive energy and outlook towards life.
Purpose becomes the organizing principle of our lives. One can retire from a job, but never from a purpose (Lore, 2012). Therefore, I will first express my desire for my purpose by molding my lifestyle according to it and committing to the core principle, in this case, to make positive connections. Once that is done, I will work towards finding ways to interact with more people and methods to understand and observe their behavior and thought processes to see whether they are genuinely positive about life. I will learn from them to remain positive and calm in the worst situations.
Another way to find positive people is to interact with them daily instead of occasionally meeting them. I will try to find positivity within the people I work with and within the people I mostly socialize with instead of finding new ones.
I am ready to live from this purpose because there is never the right time to adopt a principle. It will always require a commitment that I feel I am prepared to make and change my life. Instead of surrounding ourselves with negativity or mindsets that do not align with ours, I would prefer to find people like myself more quicker in life. I further envision working from this purpose by changing my course of action and my social circle to surround myself with positivity and then help other people with every positive skill that I have learned in my life to help them see the better parts of life and eradicate suicidal thoughts from the minds of people.
I have my heart set on two professions: a financial risk analyst and an investment banker for my future career. Both the options I have are related to the field of finance. I am a firm believer that everyone is born with natural talents. Mine resides in finance. It is handed to me by mother nature but still requires me to train to put it to good use. It takes high-quality training and experience to turn it into a great career. I will be highly successful in these two career choices because of my love for numbers.
What sets me apart from the crowd is that I have identified my dream job and goal way before. It comes to me naturally, and I can surely acquire the abilities required to be successful by working on improving my already existing talent. Basing on Lore’s (2012) description of personalities, I can say that I possess a Maestro personality where my job requires me to be skilled and talented. Being a financial risk analyst is a job where I will assess every investment's risks and negative aspects (which is why I need more positivity around me to keep myself functi...
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