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Pre-Socratic, Milesian Thinkers. Social Sciences Essay

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Discuss how the world of chaos and disorder becomes the world of order and harmony in the universe of the pre-Socratic, Milesian thinkers.

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Pre-Socratic, Milesian Thinkers 
Q: Discuss how the world of chaos and disorder becomes the world of order and harmony in the universe of the pre-Socratic, Milesian thinkers. In doing so, briefly discuss (in one or two paragraphs) the ideas of the likes of Thales, Parmenides, Pythagoras, Zeno, Democritus, Anaximander and Anaxagoras in order to support and arrive at the conclusion of your essay.
The ancient Greek philosophers speculated about the origin of the cosmos, focused on human nature and the place of gods in life. Hence, there were different myths, which explained different things in life from chaos and disorder and order and harmony. Greek mythology also focuses on the different substances and elements, which are part of the chaotic mass in the cosmos (Freely, 2012). Anaximander, Thales, and Anaximenes were some of the first philosophers who focused on nature, they were based in Miletus and their ideas were further developed by other philosophers. Various Greeks philosophers focused on the doctrine of cosmic cycles, but their explanations on origin of such cycles differed. The pre-Socratic, Milesian thinkers increasingly supported logical thinking and the idea of order and structure as there was a change from the world of chaos and disorder to a world of order and harmony in the universe of the pre-Socratic, Milesian thinkers.
Thales philosophical school of thought was based on the idea that all the fundamental substance (arche) of other things is water, and connected this with the human soul. Arche is part of a harmonic numerical formula, which can explain the beginning or origin, and Thales emphasized the importance of water as a matter (Izady, 2018). As such, he regarded water as nature as it was the source and destination of all things. To Thales, water is the material element that everything depends on and everything is full of the gods.
 Similar to Thales and Anaximander, Anaximenes believed that all things in nature are dependent on one fundamental substance (air), which there are derived from and can return to (Freely, 2012).  However, unlike Anaximander, he did not believe in indefiniteness of apeiron, arguing that arche, which meant air or breath changed in density and could be in various forms in nature (Freely, 2012). Anaximenes explained the changes highlighting the influence of rarefaction and condensation in changing matter. Unlike Thales, Anaximenes believed that everything was made up of air and not water, and he pointed out that air changed to other elements and did not consider the sun a divine being like the mythologists.
Anaximander is one of the philosophers who supported the principle of sufficient reason, which supposes that everything has a cause or reason. Anaximander’s explanation contains elements of mythology and science, as he highlighted the usefulness of the principles of sufficient reason in explaining things about the universe. Anaximander sought to understand what makes up things and matter like Thales and Anaximander, but he identified air, earth, fire and water as the basic elements of everything , he collectively called  the boundless or unbounded.
Parmenides argued that there are two elements, which explain the principle of things, the way of truth (aletheia) and the way of opinion (doxa) (Izady, 2018). In the way of truth, there is no change since there is unity, singularity, totality, and immutability of being, while perceptions depend on the status of opinions and not facts (Izady, 2018).  The quest for truth was a common endeavor for the pre-Socratic philosophers and Parmenides focused on logically grounded truth to form arguments.
Pythagoras intellectual interests were mostly in the field of mathematics, but also integrated colors and geometry in his studies. Hence, the Pythagoras philosophy emphasized numbers are useful to explain world relationships.  The Pythagorean system further focuses on harmony and the music of spheres using numbers.
Zeno a disciple of Parmenides created paradoxes on motion to explain time and space where there is continuous motion.  Zeno proposed various paradoxes to explain that apparent change is illusory, including plurality and motion (Izady, 2018).  Democritus relied on Zeno’s paradoxes prove that atoms exist based on the idea that there is no change, plurality and motion.
Democritus developed the atomism concept of the cosmos, which held that the world is composed of atoms that occupy space, are physically indivisible and always in motion. Greek philosophers like Democritus and Thales and learned and astronomy and geometry skills, which helped them to explain nature, where matter is reduced to atoms the smallest indivisible particles.
Anaxagoras was influenced by Anaximenes’ theory, but Anaxagoras had different explanations on the theory of matter. In his explanations on cosmology and theory of matter Anaxagoras, emphasized how things worked rather than why and provided materialistic reasons for his explanations. Anaxagoras argued that atoms or the indivisible particles do not exists as anything whole, which has identical parts, can further be broken down into smaller parts.
Chaos and disorder to world of order and harmony
The emergence of western philosophy started as people sought different organizing principles, which could explain reality where it was possible to use rational explanations based on their observations and their surroundings, and there was less em...
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