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The market society unjustified when it degrades societal goodwill

Essay Instructions:
I need a persuasive essay convincing the reader on a particular topic in the book: What money cant buy, by Michael J. Sandel I need to convince the reader about an interesting topic within the book, I am able to use some outside references to help support my topic. There are a set of guidlines provided by my teacher, which i would like used. Thank you
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The market society unjustified when it degrades societal goodwill
The main contention in Sandel’s book is whether there is anything that money can’t buy and it appears as though there are only few things that money can’t buy. He makes an argument that market and market oriented thinking has been extended to spheres of life that were previously not part of the market economy. He espouses that the world has changed in that commodities that were not sellable meaning that they possessed no market value, are today sellable. They are traded with little if any moral outcry or interjections. Money is being used in the most peculiar ways such as authors paying or bribing book stores owners to display their books near bookstore windows where they are easily accessible to customers to increase sales regardless of how interesting or popular they are (Sandel, 2012). When bookstore owners sell shelve space to generate more sales for the authors instead of allowing readers to make a rational choice for which books to read, it is then viewed as a extending the market limit beyond its conventional place in society. When the society revolves around the power of money to the extent that social goodwill norms are violated, then the market society is unjustified and thus objectionable.
The market society favors only those who can afford the commodities including those that were previously amoral for sale. Two examples include using homeless people as line standers in congress lines to allow those intending to attend secure the front row seats and prisoners paying for more confortable accommodation in private correction facilities which corrupts the essence of rehabilitation. Sandel outlines that some things do not meet the moral commodification threshold and thus do not meet the criteria for sale. When people engage in commodification of unsellable things, they are considered as relying on markets in ways that undermine fairness of our society. However, in my view commodification is only morally objectionable when the motive behind it hinders societal goodwill and development (Sandel, 2012).
There are several ways in which the market society has allocated resources in a way that hinders societal goodwill. One of them is when people engage in trade of questionable items or goods (Besley, 2013). It is morally objectionable to allow the affluent are given to buy certain goods that should not be made available for purchase such as Rhinos regardless of how much revenue they may generate for the trading partners. This is because allowing trade of such goods is against the conservation of endangered...
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