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Lomawaima’s Article and the "The Thick Dark Fog"

Essay Instructions:

After reading Lomawaima's article and watching The Thick Dark Fog, how are boarding schools related to what Garroutte calls on page 81 "a pervasive legacy of insecurity and pain" that many American Indians experience? What additional thoughts, feelings, or questions are you left with after learning more about American Indian boarding schools?

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ATNT451 Discussion Board Post #4
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ATNT451 Discussion Board Post #4
Lomawaima’s article reflects on how Indian learners contested federal authority. It offers student’s counterpoint to the federal policy and practice that existed in documentary evidence. "The Thick Dark Fog" reflects on a Lakota child who attends a government school and experiences suppression due to his Indian identity. However, he works hard to regain everything he has lost.
After reading “Lomawaima's” article and watching “The Thick Dark Fog,” it is evident that boarding schools are associated with what Garrotte notes that the majority of American Indians encounter. The federal Indian schools forced Indian learners to stern homogenous modes of dressing and restricted educational chances (Lomawaima, 1993). As a result, The American Indians were left with insecurities and aspirations to attend boarding schools, leaving most of them in pain. The reason is that they were forced to join these boarding institutions, which led to stripping them from their native culture.
Garrotte further explains that they developed increased evidence to display the insufficient of an individual's culture to attack them due to their Indian origin...
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