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Extremism in the US: Emergence and the Influence of Globalization and Technology

Essay Instructions:

Final Assignment


This assignment is an essay assignment of 4 questions to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. 

Essay Question One (2-3 pages): Based upon what you have learned from this course, what is your analysis of extremism in the United States? What is the current context and status of extremism? What is the current environment? Does the political climate play a factor, if so, how? If not, why? 

Essay Question Two (2-3 pages): Differentiate the most significant extremists, extremist organizations, and extremist events of the past 50 years. Provide details to support your selections and why those selections have made such a significant impact. 

Essay Question Three (2-3 pages): Examine contemporary accounts on the emergence of extremism in the United States. Is the emergence of extremism dangerous or is it really the ultimate expression of a free society, why or why not? 

Essay Question Four (2-3 pages): Deconstruct the influence of globalization and technology on domestic extremism recruitment, membership, and its sustained impact. In other words, how and why does globalization and technology effect and impact domestic extremism recruitment, membership, and its sustained impact? 

Technical Requirements

  • Your paper must be at a minimum of 8-12 pages, 2-3 pages for each question (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
  • Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
  • Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
  • Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework. 
  • Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
  • All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.
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Essay Assignment of Four Questions to Test Knowledge and Assimilation of the Course Objectives

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Essay Question One: What is Your Analysis of Extremism in the United States? What is the Current Context and Status of Extremism? What is the Current Environment? Does the Political Climate Play a Factor? If So, How? If Not, Why?

The escalating issue of extremism in the United States has emerged as a matter of significant importance in recent times, demanding a thorough examination grounded in an appreciation of its present context, status, and the influential impact of the political environment. This essay examines the sophisticated aspects of extremism, specifically in the United States, highlighting its various features. It offers valuable insights into extremism, formerly constrained to societal boundaries but has become prevalent in mainstream discussions.

Analysis of Extremism in the United States

The varied and worrying phenomena of extremism necessitate a precise and complete delineation to foster nuanced comprehension. Fundamentally, extremism encompasses the resolute promotion or endorsement of radical and frequently marginalized concepts, convictions, or behaviors (Youngblood, 2020). This perspective embodies an intellectual stance that diverges significantly from the prevailing consensus, wherein individuals or collectives adamantly refuse to compromise and are prepared to utilize unorthodox and occasionally aggressive methods to promote their objectives. Extremism exhibits a propensity to surpass conventional bounds, thereby materializing in diverse spheres, including but not limited to politics, religion, and social matters. The concept comprises extremist views on both ends of the political spectrum, encompassing far-right ideologies such as white supremacy, anti-government emotions, and far-left ideologies that may advocate for extreme socialism or anarchism (Jasko et al., 2022). Such a definition provides the fundamental basis for examining extremism in the United States, giving transparency and background to scrutinizing this widespread and dynamic societal issue.

The Current State of Extremism

Both far-right and far-left extremist ideas are prevalent in today's American extremist environment, which is a complicated and dynamic issue. While far-left extremism supports extreme socialist or anarchist ideas, far-right extremism frequently promotes white supremacist, nativist, and anti-government views. Despite having different objectives, these extremist factions exhibit a shared propensity for employing violence and causing societal upheaval. The influence of these actors is becoming more prominent as they utilize digital platforms and social media to engage in recruitment, radicalization, and organizational activities with unparalleled effectiveness (Youngblood, 2020). In light of the evolving landscape, it is imperative to comprehend the dynamics and reasons that drive extremist movements. This understanding is crucial as it equips society with enhanced insight and awareness, facilitating the effective formulation of countermeasures and strategies to address the challenge of extremism.

Factors Influencing Extremism

The upward trajectory of extremism in the United States is attributable to various factors. The growth of the internet and social media is one such factor, as it enables extremist organizations to thrive in their activities of radicalization and mobilization. The anonymity provision on these sites also empowers individuals to express radical perspectives openly they would otherwise conceal. Economic gaps and social inequities are supplementary catalysts for the proliferation of extremism (Korotayev et al., 2019). Numerous extremists capitalize on these discrepancies to appeal to disenchanted individuals who experience marginalization within mainstream culture. The combination of economic adversity and a feeling of despair can render individuals more vulnerable to extreme ideologies that offer the prospect of transformation or empowerment.

The Impact of the Political Climate on Societal Dynamics

The political climate in the United States is a significant factor leading to the growth of extremism in the country. The political polarisation continuously makes it easy to accept and magnify extreme opinions. Extremist organizations can capitalize on the splits and lack of trust among political sides in the current polarized climate, thereby finding conducive conditions for their growth and influence. The electoral cycles of 2016 and 2020 have served as significant illustrations of the force exerted by the political climate on the proliferation of extremist ideologies. The utilization of rhetoric by political candidates, notably during the 2016 election, frequently tended to divisiveness and the provocation of emotional solid responses (Dinkelberg et al., 2021). This phenomenon facilitated the validation of extremist ideologies and served as a medium for far-right organizations. Moreover, the reaction to political occurrences, exemplified by the incursion of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, underscored the degree to which radical ideologies had permeated conventional political spheres (Dugan & Fisher, 2023). The assault on the Capitol was executed by individuals who believed they were safeguarding their political convictions. This occurrence unveiled the dangerous confluence of extremist ideology and conventional political discourse.

Counter-extremism Efforts

Counter-extremism efforts refer to the various strategies and initiatives implemented to combat and mitigate the rise and spread of extremist ideologies and activities. The actions of the United States to fight extremism assume multiple forms (Sjoen & Jore, 2019). Such law enforcement organizations as the FBI have made monitoring extremist activities one of their key responsibilities. Also, advocacy groups and other non-government organizations promote tolerance, create public awareness of extremism, and assist those experiencing radicalization. Still, combating radicalism necessitates a multifaceted strategy. It entails using law 

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