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Local and Community Responses to Conflict

Essay Instructions:
HI! I have to write a blog about the week readings. Here is the instruction.I would like to get the same write who wrote 19559 order. Also I have a feedback for him or for her. Blogging is a less formal medium than essay-writing, and we will discuss the expectations for blog posts in class. In general, even if you are somewhat more casual in your writing, you still must use correct grammar, spelling, capitalization, full sentences and paragraphs. Your posts should reflect your opinions on the material you are grappling with, whether that material consists of course readings, news items, or both. You must, however, explain and substantiate your opinions. For example, it is not enough to say, "I thought the author of this article was wrong", but rather you should tell me "I thought the author of this article was wrong, because I don't think that tactic was implementable in this particular context, and let me tell to you why." Please do feel free to link to other sources online thatback up your points or have informed your opinion. When referencing any texts, you do not need to fully cite them, but you must still tell us the author, publication and page number you are referring to. Ethnic and Religious Conflicts Ethnic and religious conflicts are often understood as large-scale problems, bigger than the implicated communities themselves. Using the example of Bosnia-Herzegovina, we will ask how local communities grapple with, and respond to, these tensions. Required Readings: 1. Elissa Helms. (2002) "Women as Agents of Ethnic Reconciliation? Women's NGOs and International Intervention in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina." Women's Studies International Forum 26(1). (BBV); Anna Sheftel (2012) "‘Monument to the international community, from the grateful citizens of Sarajevo': Dark humour as counter-memory in post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina." Memory Studies 5(2). (BBV).
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Local and Community Responses to Conflict
Local and Community Responses to Conflict
Bosnians have a complex relationship with violence. Bosnia-Herzegovina has experienced violence for a long time. Bosnians are only interested in remembering about the past only if those memories can be understood in a much more productive way. Many Bosnians have responded to post conflict memories with a lot of humor or what can be referred to as dark humor. Canonical theorists have made arguments about the relationship between humor and power and social interaction. Humor can be regarded as a public test of peoples` feelings and anxieties (Anna 2012).The widespread use of humor, as a means of cultural resistance, has inspired to a great extent the context prevailing after the conflict. During the period when Sarajevo was under siege, the media industry produced remarkable cultural resistance through festivals, artworks, books and the theatre. All these methods of response portray how the society views and responds to violence. There are so many post conflict efforts meant to encourage Bosnians to freely speak about past events. This is through institutional mechanisms in the form of truth commissions. The efforts are, however, struggling to make way through the society. Society has responded to post wartime events in a manner that, at one time, it sounds and appears remarkably different from what would be expected in normal situations (Elissa 2002).It should, however, be clearly noted that scholars who wish to show how speaking about the past can be used to amend the future of broken societies must focus and foresee beyond the common literal approaches to telling the truth. The tendency may be seen as being narrow and a betrayal to the society. It is particularly vital to look and understand clearly on issues such as humor and their role when making memories of post conflict studies. Women ...
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