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Light Microscopes vs Electron Microscopes

Essay Instructions:

1) Compare and Contrast Light Microscopes verses Electron Microscopes. Be sure to mention both their pluses and minuses.

2) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages between fresh and chemically fixed sample preparation techniques.

3) Discuss the different types of plant stains that can be used and what they each show. Overall, what are the benefits of stained vs. unstained samples? Disadvantages?

4) What is Morphometry and what information can it give about a plant?

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Plant anatomy

Compare and Contrast Light Microscopes verses Electron Microscopes. Be sure to mention both their pluses and minuses.
The electron and the light microscope have few features in common, which include the fact that both microscopes are technical devices that are used to visualize very small structures that the eye cannot see. More so, both the microscopes have relevant areas of application in material sciences and biology.
Electron microscope uses electrons fort visualization, while the light microscope uses photons. The electron microscope has a higher resolution and higher magnification compared to optical microscope, which means that an electron microscope grants visualization of structures that could not be visible through optical microscope (Toole & Toole, 2004). More so, the election microscope differs with the optical microscope in the sense that an electron microscope has the capability to view a three dimensional extensional shape of an object, while the optical microscope does not. On a different note, the optical microscope have the ability to observe living cells and a wide range of biological activities like cell division and movement as well as uptake of food; aspects that the electron microscope lack (Toole & Toole, 2004). More so, the optical microscope can use in-vivo staining techniques to observe the uptake of colored pigments by the cells. The electron microscope can not observe the same concept because while using electron microscope; the specimen has to be fixed and extremely dehydrated. This means that the specimen die before the observation commences.
The advantages and disadvantages between fresh and chemically fixed sample preparation techniques
Fresh sample preparation techniques are disadvantageous because the fresh tissues are extremely delicate and prone to damage. Chemically fixed sample preparation technique is advantageous beca...
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