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Social Psychology (Essay #2)

Essay Instructions:

Before completing this assignment, read over the three types of attachment styles on page 285. Identify which attachment style you believe that you exhibit in romantic relationships.

In your paper, address the following:

Explain the three types of attachment styles.

List the type of attachment style you identified with.

Discuss why you believe this attachment style corresponds to your attitudes and behaviors in your romantic relationships.

Explain why the other attachment styles do not fit your attitudes and behaviors in your romantic relationships.

Most of the essay should be in you own words. 

Apply research from the textbook or another resource to your answers


Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2013). Social psychology (8th ed.). Upper Saddle 

River, NJ: Pearson.

I am on vacation right now, and I don't have my book with me to send you a copy of page 285. Here is a paragraph from the unit discussion. I feel I have avoidant attachment style.

This essay is suppose to be in your own words, so do your best and as long it is two pages and makes sense, I am fine. 

Hope you can still be able complete the assignment. I'll be happy with whatever you send. If I need to edit it once I receive it that is fine also.

"You form attachments to the people in your lives. The first attachment you form is to 

our primary caregivers as infants. These attachment styles influence the kinds of 

relationships you will have as adults as your relationships with your caregivers 

become schemas for your future relationships (Aronson et al., 2013). Based on the 

research, researchers have conceptualized of the following attachment styles, including 

secure attachment style, avoidant attachment style, and anxious/ambivalent 

attachment style. There are many quizzes online that help to determine the type of 

attachment style you have in close relationships. Feel free to take one of these 

quizzes after completing this unit’s readings and see whether or not you believe

that this attachment style fits you, and anxious/ambivalent attachment style. There are many quizzes online that help to determine the type of attachment style you have in close relationships. Feel free to take one of these quizzes after completing this unit’s readings and see whether or not you believe that this attachment style fits you"


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Attachment Styles
Relative to the attachment theory, one of the most interesting aspects is that, our attachment style influences the manner and criterion that we use to select partners, how the relationships grow and how they come to end (Aronson, Wilson & Akert, 2013). Attachment styles are developed at a very tender age when we interact with those immediately to us and continue to shape the way form relationships when we are old enough. Understanding ones attachment style is a crucial element as it helps bring to light aspects of limitations and strengths which can be harnessed in relationships to make them worthy the while.
There are three main styles of attachment that most people will form and they determine the kind of romantic relationship that they also get into (Aronson, Wilson & Akert, 2013). One of the styles is referred to as the secure attachment style. These are persons that tend to be confident as well as self-possessed and they the ability to interact with others. They have the ability to meet their own needs and those of others with much ease. Anxious/ambivalent attachment style on the other hand is a style that relates to persons that exhibit the need for closeness to those that they interact with. This means that when they are in a romantic relationship they tend to always want their partner to be around to give them assurances of their place in the relationship or their feelings (Aronson, Wilson & Akert, 2013). In most of the cases, persons with style of attachment will choose a partner than is not easy to connect with and mostly ...
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