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Juvenile Deliquency and Drug Abuse

Essay Instructions:


It is important to consider the environmental factors that often impact an offender's potential for delinquency. Juveniles can be influenced by their conditions at home, peer pressure in school, and other situations they are exposed to.

For this assignment, please answer the following:

Provide 2 examples of family factors that impact delinquency, and describe how they shape a person's later behavior

Give an example of the causes of failure in school and explain how this links to juvenile delinquency

Describe adolescent drug use and abuse and the patterns of behavior that change over time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Juvenile Delinquency
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Juvenile Delinquency
Family Factors that Impact Delinquency
Several family factors can influence delinquency and shape a person’s behavior. the first example of a family factor is ineffective parental behavior. in many cases, the guardians are responsible for shaping the behaviors and actions of their children. In this case, ineffective parenting is manifested through poor supervision, overly strict discipline, weak child-parental bond, inability to set clear limits, and over-permissiveness. Educationalists, socialists, criminologists, and social workers have all agreed that parenting is the root cause of delinquency (Tomar & Kumar, 2018). Bad parenting results in criminal behavior whereas effective parenting influences avoid such incidences. For example, a parent that spends most of the time working or engaging in other activities and neglects a child is responsible for the deviant behaviors of that child. A person's later life is shaped by the child-parent relationship or its absence.
Another example of a family factor is mistreatment during childhood. Studies have established that past experiences of abuse and maltreatment by children tend to lead them towards delinquency. The mechanisms of how this link between maltreatment and delinquency functions have not been fully studied. However, the general conclusion among scientists is children who have been mistreated will engage in deviant behaviors. The later life of such children may be characterized by violence and other behaviors against the norm.
School Failure and Juvenile Delinquency
School failure is another element that influences juvenile delinquency. According to (D’Alessandro, 2018), school failure can be described as grade retention, expulsion, and dropping out of school. In this case, school failure means that children have not achieved their academic goals or have failed to complete their education. Dropouts and other failures in school often limit thei...
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