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Marxists, Feminists, and Functionalists Views on Family

Essay Instructions:

Discuss what Marxists, Feminists and Functionalists say about the family and

Evaluate the influence of feminism on the study of the family.

Discuss the reasons for family diversity.

•The impact of social policy in the UK on the family.

• The distribution of roles within the family.

• How changes in role relationships have influenced the distribution of power within the family with reference to the differences between family pre industrialisation and post industrialisation in Britain.

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Family studies play a significant role in understanding social stratifications and dynamics in society. A family is a group of individuals united by specific factors, including adoption, blood, and marriage leading to a single household. However, in sociology, the family is a unit of socialization and a social institution with specific social interaction patterns (Cohen, 2018). The paper focuses on functionalists, feminists, and feminists' views on the family.
Theorists on Family
Marxists view a family as a capitalisation tool with the main function of maintaining capitalism and reinforcing social inequalities. Marxism is a conflict-based aspect of the family that strongly argues that the capitalist class exploits the family (Brown, 2014). Marxists also have a unique view of nuclear families. For instance, Marxists believe that a nuclear family's role is linked to capitalism, and it is a unit of teaching acceptance of hierarchy. It also allows the passage of wealth from the parents to the children and thus promotes class inequalities. Therefore, family, from a Marxist perspective, is based on capitalism.
Feminists view family uniquely from functionalists and Marxists. According to feminists, a family is a private institution and must be linked to the political realm for social justice (Okin, 2016). The major elements of families, according to the feminists, are reproduction and sex. Besides, feminists embrace families as social institutions guided by laws, not 'natural orderings .' Feminists state that marriage is a significant process that determines the success of family goals. Therefore, the major idea of the feminists is that family aligns with political realms, and laws play a significant role in shaping it.
Functionalists also have a specific view of the family based on unique ideologies. Functionalists view a family as a specific institution and a building block of society (Harris, 2021). Functionalists also list that the role of the families is to promote socialization and allow the members to meet emotional needs. Besides, functionalists state that any stable family underpins economic stability and social order. Families are specific institutions that functionally run the society. Therefore, the functionalists believe that the family has specific functions for individuals and society. Functionalists, Feminists, and Marxists uniquely view the family and its societal role.
Feminism in the study of the family
Feminism has a critical influence on the study of the family. It enables the learners to understand families as political institutions with specific biological interventions. For instance, feminists believe that women and men are differentiated using psychological and biological factors (Okin, 2016). Besides, feminism makes family to be dominated by women arguing that women nurturing men plays a major role in the family. It also justifies social and normative implications. More powerful characteristics are also aligned to women with minimal involvement of men. Therefore, feminism favors women over men.
Additionally, feminism influences the study of families by considering the principle of social justice. Feminists view family as a school of moral learning and social justice (Okin, 2016). Parents, especially women, guide their children to have better morals and futures by acting as role models. Besides, regulation by the state is necessary to ensure the children have better education and health. Feminism links families to social justice by arguing that equal treatment is necessary between men a...
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