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Joyas and the Gendercide

Essay Instructions:

Two page -- double spaced – response papers are due every week. In your response you should discuss one of the readings from that week. In your written response should identify the main argument or question being raised by the author/scholar either in the video or the text, as well as the theoretical or political stakes of the argument or question and finally, the intervention that the scholar is aiming to make and how well you believe they have done it — if its not very well then you should explain what is missing from the argument for you — if it is accomplished well, then explain how/why so. You should also identify what sources (critical legal theory, literature, sociological studies etc) the scholar marshals to ground their argument.

It will be best if you can answer the following questions.

1.  Who were the joyas and why were they targeted for elimination by the Spanish colonial enterprise? 

2.  What is "gendercide" and how does Miranda add to the concept? 

3.  What does the killing of the "third gender" or transgender indigenous joyas illustrate about the relationship between colonialism and the gender binary?  

no need to answer all three questions. pick two our of three to answer is good.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Response Paper
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Identify the main argument or question being raised by the author/scholar
The article’s main idea is that the contemporary California Indians have ample efforts to reclaim and reinvent themselves based on the experiences, survival, and reinvention of Indian joyas into Two-Spirit people.
The theoretical or political stakes of the argument or questions of the article.
Mirada’s argument raised several questions: What methods did the Spaniards use to exterminate the joya? What did the extermination mean to California Indian cultures? How did the joyas and the jotos (homosexual people) survive? The article also raised the question of how spiritual and physical renewals of the third-gender to Two-Spirits come about. Additionally, the article seeks to establish how the Spaniards utilized their control, religion, and political systems to try and exterminate joya through gendercide, changing names, pushing religion onto them, punishment, regendering, and shame (Miranda, 2010, p. 256).
The intervention that the scholar is aiming to make and how well you believe they have done or have not done it.
Miranda is trying to redefine what being a California Indian means by exploring what joyas, the Indian third-gendered people went through in the fight for their identity, existence, religious beliefs, association, and way of life (Miranda, 2010, p.277). She outlines six actions that would offer guidance, strategies, and lessons for the current Indians to reinvent themselves and take their place in California. These include; reclaiming their name, reclaiming their place in tribal communities through education to weed off homophobia amongst them, and resisting fighting against each other and within the community. Also, strive to find out their native and national roles, reclaim their history from the Spaniard colonizer and create a caring, non-judgmental, supportive and loving environment where all those who endured pain, suffering, shame, and fear can heal (Miranda, 2010, p.277-278).
Identify what sources (critical legal theory, literature, sociological studies, e...
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