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Activities Performed by Political Parties Libertarians and Democrats

Essay Instructions:

Fieldwork #4: Political Parties Activity

Overview: The goal of this exercise is to introduce you to the real-life activities performed by political parties.  By the end of the exercise, you should be able to describe the similarities and differences between the two main political parties and major Third parties in the United States.

Instructions: If your last name begins with the letters A-K, look at the Republican (www.gop.com) and Green Party (www.gp.org) websites. If your last name begins with the letters L-Z, look at the Democratic (www.democrats.org) and Libertarian (www.lp.org) websites.  You will need to find the information listed below, fill in the sheet and submit to the dropbox by Friday, December 2

To earn full credit, you must answer all of the questions (for both parties). Your responses must go beyond a general one sentence answer, use specific examples from the websites, and use your own words.  Except for images, if you copy anything directly from the web without proper citation, you will automatically earn a zero on this activity.

1. Interacting with the public: recruiting supporters and getting people to vote for the party’s candidates mobilizing voters.  (You need to do this for each party)

For this part of the assignment, use your party’s website.

  • Using the party’s main page provide one example of how the party is trying to get citizens interested in current events:
  • Give examples of how the party portrays itself as representing a diverse range of Americans. (You will have to go beyond the homepage; images are also acceptable, so long as you then explain how the images are being used.)
  • Does your party have a chapter in Milwaukee County and/or your home county? If so, where is it located? If not, where is the nearest chapter?

2. What does the party stand for: the party’s platform and giving voters “cues” on policy options. (You need to do this for each party)  

For this part of the assignment look at the platform on the party’s website or an external website to find enough information. If you choose the latter, you’ll need to include the sources you used. All of these parties discuss these issues, so ‘not applicable’ is an invalid answer.

  • What is your party’s position on two of the following issues?
  • The economy (this might include economic growth, unemployment, income inequality, taxes)
  • Voter ID/Access to the voting booth/Right to vote (depending on the party, there would be different ways this will be addressed)
  • Immigration reform
  • Women’s issues (this might include pay inequality, maternity leave, sexual harassment, abortion, access to health services)

3. Some other questions, comparing the two political party websites.

  • Do the parties utilize social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Redditt, etc.)? If so, how prominently was this information displayed?
  • What was one item that surprised you the most about the parties’ webpages?
  • As an average citizen, did the websites achieve their goals of “mobilizing voters and providing policy options?” Why/Why not? 
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Political Parties
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Political Parties
A political party is an alliance of like-minded individuals. Libertarian and Democratic political parties in the United States have notable similarities and differences. The two major parties have unique perceptions of issues that impact society. Political parties have varied political platforms and philosophies. For instance, democrats believe in a strong federal government that plays an active role in citizens’ lives. Democratic is one of the ancient political parties that is still in existence. A significant perception of the political party is that the United States can only succeed if everyone plays by the set rules and if they have a fair share (Allen, 2019). According to the information on the party’s website, the key focus of the Democratic Patry is to mobilize voters and empower grassroots activists to elect more officials. The Libertarian party supports most of the positions of the Democratic Party. However, the two have different viewpoints on the political spectrum. For instance, Libertarians rhetorically support personal and individual freedoms within the context of the Democratic value. Libertarians and Democrats have varying perspectives regarding interacting with the public, what they stand for, and the use of web pages.
1 Interacting with the Public:
The democratic party leads based on set values to recruit supporters and advance political platforms. Equally, the party forges a positive solution while enhancing inclusivity. In such a case, its supporters can realize ways that the government should be responsive to people’s preferences across the United States (Engler et al., 2022). President Biden invests in the middle class while lowering the cost of living for working families for a better United States. This approach will make it possible to build the economy from a bottom-up approach. Democratic Party elects Democrats at all levels of the government from a countrywide perspective.
The Libertarian party is active across the United States having affiliates in all states and candidates on the ballot for every election. Libertarians believe that all Americans should live their lives freely while pursuing their interests in the best way possible as long as they do not harm each other. A vital aspect of the party is to work in the best interests of all individuals as a strategy for recruiting supporters. From the company’s website, it is apparent that Libertarian Party commits to supporting local affiliates across the country. Democratic Party has a chapter in Milwaukee County. Every four years, Democrats collaborate to craft the party’s platform. Libertarian Party lacks any chapter in Milwaukee County. The nearest branch is in Montgomery County. The Libertarian Party of Montgomery County recognizes endorsements for independent candidates, especially the local ones, despite the party affiliation.
2 What the party stands for:
Democratic and Libertarian parties have varied standpoints o...
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