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Negative Impact of Gender Stereotype to the Environment

Essay Instructions:

Write it in single space. Do not write it in template. After reading the article, you should combine some personal feelings and not just summarize the article. You can contact me if you have any questions.

The Purpose of Response Papers is to expose you to a range of Sociological research topics and to get you to think about how they connect to your own located biography.  These assignments are also meant to encourage you to read the course materials.
Task: You must turn in Response Papers for 4 of the 11 eligible response question assignments (designated by RA1-RA11).  Choose two before the midterm and choose two after the midterm to complete. You may download this template and use the space provided, or if you take out the instructions you need to stay in a 1.5-2 page length. Please SINGLE-SPACE your response. Citations should be included in each summary (at least two) and citations should be used in part II to back up your claims. Please use (Author, page number) after all direct quotations. 
BEGINPart 1. Two Complete Summaries with CitationsSummary 1: Choose a reading assigned this week (or the previous week)- Check the syllabus—and provide a comprehensive summary. Explain the main findings, back up your claims with at least two citations from the reading (Author, page. Number). (1 full paragraph)
Summary 2: Choose a SECOND reading assigned this week (or the previous week)- Check the syllabus—and provide a comprehensive summary. Explain the main findings, back up your claims with at least two citations from the reading (Author, page number). (1 full paragraph)

Part 2: Written Analysis An analytical response to the question posed. (1 -2 paragraph) with references (Author, page number) to specific course material (be sure to cite accurately). An analytical response means that this is not merely your opinion, but it is an informed critique of the information posed. 
Reading Analysis 11: Discuss the ways that environmental issues like pollution, poor air/water quality, natural disasters, deforestation etc. correspond directly to social issues like social class and race? Choose an example of environmental racism discussed in class or the readings this week. Examine the impact of the history of redlining (define/explain and cite) to help explain how we can understand the correlations between race, socioeconomic status, and political power for these communities experiencing environmental racism. Discuss how the idea of meritocracy (define and cite) helps to justify this unequal treatment. Explain how these two things (redlining and meritocracy) have led to these disparities not being considered acts of overt racism/classism (define overt and cite) which could be prosecuted as illegal--- and instead representations of institutional racism (define) that is much harder to prove. Give examples from the readings. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Book Analysis
Institution Affiliation
Book Analysis
Peggy McIntosh in his article White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack narrates about male supremacy and white supremacy. He argues that in white supremacy, they are conditioned to take over the best, earn the best salaries and prosper in an environment that favors them. In addition, he argues that males either white or black are conditioned to be supreme over women. This affects the environment as men believe they are supreme over women and environmental roles are left to the wealthy and women. This gender stereotype has led negative impact on the environment. Further, white supremacy created the notion that only black people can be affected by climate change, which is not the case. In addition, white supremacy created racism in which white people believe they have more than one option compared to black people. This led to white people occupying the most affluent and cleanest suburb while people of color were left in dirty suburbs.
Solid Waste Facilities in South Carolina: Issues of Racial, Economic, and Environmental Justice
According to (Perkins et al., 2012), solid waste facilities are disproportionately cited in communities that are predominantly made up of people of color and/or the poor. This is an issue of environmental justice that has adverse health implications for the citizens of the impacted communities. Further, Findings from the South Carolina study are consistent with research findings from other state and...
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