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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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John Winthrop's Sermon and the Concept of American Exceptionalism

Essay Instructions:

Here is the full assignment description.

Your paper should be 4 pages minimum, meaning 4 full pages, top to bottom. The 6 page maximum is flexible; you may go over as long as your paper is on topic. You should include a title page. Your paper should also include a Works Cited page, although neither the Works Cited nor the title page count toward your 4-page total. Don’t forget MLA style in-text citations (parenthetical references). The paper will be in MLA format. It is double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, Cambria, or Calibri only. Use 1” margins.

Avoid the following: second person (“you”), “till,” “thru,” abbreviations, contractions, profanity, slang/colloquialisms, texting shorthand, and bigoted speech.

Make sure that your paper has a strong thesis; tell me what point you are trying to prove. Each paragraph should have direct quotes from the text to support your argument. The assignment dropbox for this paper will have TurnItIn enabled; this program will give you an “originality percentage.” Use this to your advantage. Anything under 15%, and you don’t have enough direct quotes as evidence to support your premises. Anything over 30%, and you are not explaining the significance of each quote. You should thoroughly explain each quote before moving on to the next one; you will never start or end a paragraph with a quote. You can also go into the originality report; the report highlights every time you have a quote, so you can check to make sure that you have quotation marks and parenthetical references for each. If your paper is short, but your percentage is within range, then there is some essential part of the discussion that you are missing. You may submit as many times as you like to check this; I will only read the most recent submission after the dropbox has closed.

If you have questions on how to use or cite research, please ask and I will be happy to help you. I will also read rough drafts provided I get them early enough in advance. Feel free to use proofreading apps such as Grammarly or Hemingway or make use of the Learning Center (all of which are linked for you on the Student Resources module).

Research Requirements

For this paper, you will need to use at least 2 academic-quality sources other than your primary texts. Secondary sources should come from a peer-reviewed source such as our library databases. Sources such as Spark Notes are NOT academic-quality and should not be used. If you have a question about whether a source is of high-enough quality, ask.

General Grading Rubric

Essays in this class are graded holistically, meaning I grade them as a whole, rather than using a rigid rubric with specific points for specific categories. That said, there are general guidelines for each letter grade.


These essays are outstanding. They have few, if any, problems with grammar and mechanics and effectively employ research to support their premises. Their paper is well-structured to support a central thesis, which is a new interpretation or idea instead of a regurgitation or summary.


Essays in this category likely have a good basic grasp of grammar or mechanics, but are probably performing shallow analysis. These papers might not have enough support for their premises, or might be relying on other people’s ideas or class notes instead of creating their own interpretation. These essays are good.


Essays in this category may be performing a “surface read” of the topic rather than an analysis. They may have issues integrating research, or be lacking adequate support from the primary text or research sources for their premises. The premises may not be well-developed. There may be some difficulty with grammar or mechanics. These essays are adequate.


Essays in this category are likely short. They may be missing research components. They may have serious problems with grammar or mechanics.

F—64 and below

Essays in this category do not meet assignment guidelines. They are several pages short, they do not answer the essay prompt, or they are mere summaries of the readings. They may have egregious patterns of grammar and mechanical errors and be difficult to read. They probably have no research, as it is difficult for a paper with no research to receive a passing grade after the 30 point deduction.

Standard Point Deductions:


The minimum length requirement of 4 pages is firm. It is measured top-to-bottom. For each page you are short, you will lose 25 points (12 points for ½ page, 6 points for ¼ page).


I will accept late essays only in cases of documented emergencies, up to one week past the original due date. Tech problems do not count as emergencies. The clock on your device might not match D2L’s clock, so do not wait until 11:58 pm to submit. Note that it is your responsibility to make sure that the document did in fact get submitted; make sure that you receive and keep the dropbox submission receipt. Also make sure that the file is not corrupted and can be opened. The file must be in .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .odt formats; no other file formats will be accepted. Do not send .pdf, Google docs, etc.


If the essay has incorrect margins, an incorrect typeface/font size, incorrect spacing, or extra white space, I will correct the formatting before assessing the length. Any appropriate length deductions will be taken, and you will also lose 5 points for incorrect formatting.


If you are missing research, you will lose 30 points. If your sources are not academic quality, you will lose 10 points per source. If you have research but no works cited page, you will lose 15 points.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name:
John Winthrop's Sermon Concept of American Exceptionalism
John Winthrop's sermon about inequality and the act of brotherly love and charity, also known as "the city on a hill," was addressed to the Puritans. Winthrop quotes the Bible in the book of Mathew 5 verse 14. Jesus states that a city on a hill cannot be hidden (Rodgers, 2018). He warns the Puritans that their community is a city on the hill where all people will look at and depend on. This caution aimed to urge the Puritans to keep their covenant with God, and when they went against it, their sins would be exposed for everyone to see. American exceptionalism elaborates on how the U.S. is exceptional from other modern societies (Ramrattan, 2019). The concept paints the state of America as a city on the hill that other states and countries look upon.
Winthrop's sermon focuses on inequality and life difficulty in society. Here, he states his view of how God created a world in which some people are rich while others are poor. This perception suggests that individuals can arrive at moral truths by observation and not just by reading the Bible. Winthrop explained the reasons why God allowed inequality and pain among people. He suggests that inequality and the differences between people reflect the breadth of God's creation. Another reason for inequality is that god can enter individuals' lives in different ways to prove his greatness (Schwartz, 2019). The third reason is that God has put people in different situations to let them discover the need for one another, the "unifying bond of fatherly affection." He expressed brotherly love as a form of justice and mercy by quoting Christ's sermon on the mountain, saying, "whatsoever ye would that men should do to you."
Winthrop gives the audience considerations for a compassionate society. The first consideration is liberality, where people should be charitable in their existence. The second entails the idea that one's family comes first before other individuals. The third consideration was that individuals should not pile stocks of wealth. The reason is that they neglect the needs of others by doing so. He quotes the Bible saying, "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth." The fourth consideration is that giving is a requirement for the needy when the borrower cannot afford to repay the debt (McGann, 2019). The fifth deliberation is from the bibles quote, "whatever men do unto you, do unto them also." The last consideration is that no one owns what they possess. Winthrop explains the reason for this assertion through the quote, "with more enlargement towards others and less respect for ourselves." He states that as the human body unites its parts, so does Christ's love for the church. Therefore, people should collaborate with others through joy and sorrow, weal and woe, and strength and infirmity.
Winthrop argues about his love for his colonists in Massachusetts by saying, "We ought to account ourselves knit together by this bold love." This quote connects their unity to other colonies and their distant church in England. He states that they should serve God and turn away from the evil of the world by expressing brotherly love and unity. Winthrop ends his sermon by illustrating the destination of his colonist's severe moral pressure as a "city upon a hill," which is visible to the whole world. What will make them a successful colony is by uniting. In Deuteronomy 40, Winthrop addres...
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