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Issues about Deities and Aspects of Nature

Essay Instructions:

The point of this assignment is to critically engage with the material, and think hard about what both sides might say. Doing philosophy well requires careful reflection on other people's positions and arguments, and understanding the point of view of people with whom we disagree. Consequently, it is crucial that your characters be thoughtful, intellectually engaged, and willing to grant good points and alter their positions accordingly. None of your characters can be jerks or idiots. Every character has to be willing to listen to the others, and take their ideas seriously. This means that the character who thinks the problem of evil is convincing must really work to defend it, rather than immediately crumbling when an objection is raised. It also means that the character who thinks it is not convincing must really work to respond to the argument, maybe shift gears in response to what the other character says, and so forth. Grading note: Fleshing out the characters, setting the scene, and so forth is just window dressing. I hope you will have fun with this assignment, but you'll only be graded on the substantive philosophical discussion between the characters. This does not mean that the quality of your writing does not count. As always, your writing should be clear, careful, well-organized, graceful, and free of grammatical errors. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 2: Exercise in Philosophical Discussion
Student’s First Name, Middle Initial (s), Last Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name and Title
Assignment Due Date
Assignment 2: Exercise in Philosophical Discussion
In philosophy, various issues about deities and aspects of nature require a deeper understanding of the supernatural and religious contexts. The problem of evil exists in society and the world. Evil manifests through humankind and brings about pain and suffering. The impact of evil poses a rhetorical question about the existence of God and His will on humankind. People tend to debate whether the problem of evil and the existence of God are compatible. John and James, classmates in a philosophy class, engage in a dialogue over the problem of evil and its relevance. John thinks that the problem of evil successfully reveals that God does not exist. On the other hand, James disagrees with John's argument. He makes his thought that the existence of God in His three forms (Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omni-benevolent) is compatible with the amount of pain and suffering in the world. Their dialogue reveals why they both hold to their contradicting views about evil and its relation to God.
John: “I think God’s existence as Omni-benevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient should override the problem of evil. God cannot be the creator of all creation and still allow human kind to feel pain and suffering brought about by the problem of evil. The state of affairs relating to evil in the actual world is a true revelation that God does not exist. God’s existence cannot allow evil to manifest through our lives and cause pain to people. Evil clearly shows that God does not exist.”
James: (with shock on his face) "My friend, God exist both in good and bad times, and evil cannot be used as a standard measure to define the existence of God." (Clearing his throat). “It is through God's existence that good and bad actions manifest in humankind so that we can acknowledge His grace.”
John: “If I may ask you, can a God who is all knowing and loving allow pain and suffering on his people? How does evil in the actual world connect to God who is more powerful over all earth and heavenly forces?”
James: “It is so simple John. God set evil in the world so that we can comprehend and feel the difference between good and bad. If the problem of evil could be non-existent, then our a...
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