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Cognitive-behavioral Family Therapy and Multi-dimensional Family Therapy

Essay Instructions:

Complete and submit a critical analysis paper analyzing the use and application of two or more family therapy models used with populations-at-risk families. Please select a population-at-risk from the Janzen textbook. The essay must compare the models and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each model and describe how each model is applied to the population-at-risk you have selected. Your essay should also describe how each of these family therapy models benefit these populations-at-risk families. The essay must be written in APA format, typed double-space using Times New Roman Font 12 using proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. It must include a title page, body of narrative, and a reference page. The length requirement for this essay is between 5 to 7 pages in length. Any essay submitted with less than 5 pages will not be graded.
Please make certain you address the following in your essay:
Identify strengths and weaknesses of each of the therapy model selected;
How each model is differentiated when applying it to specific population-at-risk family situations.
Compare and contrast each model selected.
Write a summary in your essay of how each of these models affect social work family practice.

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Critical Analysis Paper
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Critical Analysis Paper
Populations at risk are considered the populations exposed to the risk of occurrence of a particular event in life. These populations need to be treated differently from other populations to reduce their risk of falling victim to the described event. The various family therapy models play an important role in enabling specialists to help these individuals. Cognitive-behavioral family therapy and multi-dimensional family therapy are among the models that can be used to ensure the wellbeing of economically disadvantaged people.
The main similarity between the cognitive-behavioral family therapy model and the multi-dimensional family therapy is the technique used to ensure families' wellbeing. Both models focus on the key behavior that has been causing the addiction in an individual. Once such behavior is eliminated, the person will no longer face the addiction, facilitating better mental health. The two models also focus on replacing people's negative thoughts with positive thoughts regarding the issue disturbing the person. Positive thoughts are believed to bring hope and happiness, thus facilitating good mental health (Ariel, 2018). The two theories also focus on identifying triggers and teaching the victims how to handle such triggers. If the triggers are not handled well, they will continue to facilitate the behavior causing the addiction. The only difference between the two models is that multi-dimensional family therapy deals with the behaviors causing addiction. The model uses various techniques to identify all possible causes of a problem, such as emotion, cognitive issues, behavior, and household environment. On the other hand, the cognitive-behavioral family therapy model only focuses on behavior.
The main advantage of the cognitive-behavioral family therapy model is that patients can learn how to cancel themselves. Such would offer great benefits in the future because they will find it less challenging to eliminate the negative thoughts causing addiction. The therapy is also short-term, showing how effective it is in helping the patient. The therapy also ensures that the patients get better instead of feeling better. Such means that the results of the therapy would be long-term. Unlike other models that focus on ensuring the patients feel better, they have a high chance of relapsing after a few days. The main disadvantage of this therapy model is the multiple assignments given to the patient to work on after therapy (Kazantzis, Luong, Usatoff, Impala, Yew & Hofmann, 2018). In some cases, these assignments can be emotionally overwhelming, especially for a patient who has not learned how to control their thoughts. The model is not ideal for people with complex mental needs because they might consider the activities involved in the therapy as a burden. Patients with limited learning and writing skills might also find it challenging to keep up with the therapy activities of the model.
One of the advantages of the multi-dimensional family therapy model is that it is diverse based on how it approaches a problem. The model focuses on different techniques to ensure that the patients have received the best assistance possible. The model is ideal for people with complex mental issues because of the varied therapeutic techniques used to evoke behavioral change. This means that the model focuses on all the important areas without its activities becoming a burden to the client. The model is also ideal for use in any population, regardless of disturbing the patient. Among the disadvantages of the multi-dimensional family therapy model is that it uses various therapeutic techniques to assist the patients (Ariel, 2018). In such a case, the patients might feel too bothered to open up about the issue troubling them. If the patient is feeling bothered and unable to open up, they will not get the expected help. This means that the model is only helpful for people willing to open up or get a solution. The model is time-consuming because the therapist spends enough time to ensure that they have used multiple techniques to identify all the problems causing behav...
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