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Islam Reflections #2

Essay Instructions:

respond to the following paragraphs based on the original question see the attached paper to respond to the paragraphs. do not use quotes and base your answers on the attached articles

1.What do you think were some of the most interesting points made by Arjomand (2009)?  Is there anything in the article you do not agree with?  Why / Why not?  Do you agree with Arjomand's point that the Constitution of Medina serves as a great foundation for current constitutions in the Islamic world?  Why / Why not?  Read (Arjomand 09, Their 07, Hummel 12)

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Islam Reflections
In response to the first paragraph that delves into the aspects of the book that documents the arrival of Muhammad to Yathrib from Mecca as referenced by Arjomand; and the relevance of the same as the constitution of medina, the writer makes some crucial points. The writer points out that the article by Arjomand brings out some interesting points such as the fact that the constitution of medina is actually a constitution. From the article by Arjomand, a good number of scholars have interesting views. Julius Wellhausen, a scholar refers to the documents as a municipal charter, while Patricia Crone calls it the solid rock in the Islamic world. The writer correctly states that the old document in a way formed the pact between Muhammad and the Jews. Ideally, it is agreeable that the document by Muhammad forms a basis for the coexistence of the Islamic religion among others and thus can be regarded as a constitution of sorts for medina and by extension the Islamic world. The article by Arjomand shows academic quality, as the writer notes especially given the flow of ideas and referencing the ones that are borrowed. It is most important that the writer points to the ideal of religious tolerance amidstreligious plurality, which relates squarely on the Constitution of Medinaas written by Muhammad.
In the second paragraph it is easy to see why the writer agrees and finds the accounts on Levering-Lewis (2008) more interesting.It is correctly stated that the book gives a more interesting account of the Umayyads. Other than bringing out the aspect of history about the Global Islamic empire, it also gives the social economic aspects that come with the Umayyads. This is a crucial aspect especially when considering society in history or even in the current times; the social economic aspects play a subtle role especially towards its survival. When considering the Ottomans empires, it easy to see why it has had a lasting impression on the current society and the writer’s interest. It is common for most empires, when they capture other areas, they force the captives to abandon their ways and embrace those of their masters. This way the empire ensures its continuity and the death of the opposing cultures.The ottomans, however, had some opposing varies as they did support community values success, where more than religion thrived. This way society was one coherent mix of different cultures.as the writer states these are quite interesting accounts of the ottoman and the fact that there are revelation of the social economic aspect of the Umayyads which reveal interesting information, compared to what Murphey (1993) documented devoid of social economics.
According to the writer, the relationship between the Ulama and the Umara is quite interesting. A close...
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