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Canadian Public Administration: Institutions

Essay Instructions:

Select ONE of the following topics to explore:

1.Explain how the interplay of democracy and political culture affect public administration in Canada.

2.Explain the difference between state and government and analyze how different forms of democracy affect the way government is structured, organized and run in Canada

3.If you were prime minister, how many government departments would you create and what would they be? In what areas would you use other bodies like crown corporations and regulatory agencies? What areas would you privatize and why? Justify your answer by explaining what areas of life contemporary government should be involved in.

4.Explain what mechanisms within the organization of government provide democratic accountability and control of the bureaucracy. Is it possible to counter the power of the "professional expert" (i.e. the career public servant) with these mechanisms?

Total of 4-5 sources is needed, AT LEAST ONE SOURCE should be used from the following:

Gregory J. Inwood. Understanding Canadian Public Administration: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. Fourth Edition. Scarborough: Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2012.

Drysdale, R. Reid, ed. Readings: CPPA101 – Canadian Public Administration I. Toronto: Ryerson University Bookstore, 2007

Drysdale, R. Reid. Course Narrative: CPPA101 – Canadian Public Administration I. Toronto: Ryerson University Bookstore. Available in mid-January from the Ryerson Bookstore, 2008

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Canadian Public Administration: Institutions
Interplay of Democracy and Political Culture Affecting Public Administration in Canada
The process of implementing government policies is through public administration. Currently, public administration includes the role for determining the plans and programs of governments. Public administration undertakes the process of development, forming, guiding, managing, and controlling the operations of government. All nations whatever their political system of governance have public administration. The central, intermediate and local governments practice public administration.
Political culture is the joint view, attitude and beliefs of people about politics. It has two traditional methodologies for the study the individualistic and institutional. Individualistic observes the beliefs and outlooks of people by use of surveys. Individualistic approach is not measurable and the designs of questions given to respondents can illuminate their views on political culture. Since the 1960s, there have been changes in the immigration patterns in the western democracies with Canada as part of it. Up to that period, immigrants came majorly from Europe in West, North and South (Inwood, 2011). Currently immigrants have their origin from the Eastern and Central Europe, and continents of Asia, Africa and Latin America. There are reasons to assume that these new groups of migrants may face greater challenges assimilating into their new political atmosphere than the older group of settlers. Although settlers historically origins were from democracies with political cultures like those in the hosting state, newer groups of settlers originated from nations with political cultures that are diverse, most even from countries with no democracy.
Political Culture in Canada
Institutional method comprises analyzing the documents to determine the joint conduct of political institutions. This institutional technique has three different methods of implementation, which include academics, topographical and socioeconomic, and thirdly the history. The pressure of two instituting groups the French and English is the basis of the first political culture of Canada. The new and distinct culture of Canada is a combination of the two founding groups French, English and immigrants’ culture.
Layered is a description of the political culture of Canada the layers are not easily defined. The main layer of political beliefs includes Canadians’ faith in the parliamentarian and democratic system of government (Inwood, 2011). There is a belief that in the decision-making in politics, the majority rule when a compromise solution is unavailable. According to the current law, the majority rule and decisions in politics can change once they alter their position. Parliamentarian democracy supports equality in politics, which supports one individual, one vote policy. The last characteristic of parliamentarian democracy is a widespread sovereignty shown in consistent elections and people involvement in the political course.
On the main layer lies exclusively a political culture of Canada, which surpasses provincial limits. Canadians are dedicated voters, but they do not take part widely in the process of politics. The character of observer-participant shows an exclusive feature political culture of Canada. Additionally, study shows that Canadians are strong supporters of authority of politics and widely agree the character of influence in leadership. In comparison to the Americans, Canadians often like to depend on the intervention of government; for example, allowing public ownership other than private companies to provide solution to the economy. The other characteristic of the political culture is its approach and avoidance relationship with the United States. A majority of Canadians are not happy with their political culture especially in the region of English Canada where the Americans dominate the businesses despite the fact that the US is the greatest trade partner of Canada. The Canadians attempt to regulate this relation by developing several institutions in the government that support the culture and limit the tide of investment by foreigners in the country. These opposing opinions towards the US have rarely assisted to bring Canadians together and meanwhile have helped them improve their politics and widespread culture.
The third level of Canada’s’ political culture has outlooks which are exclusively Canadian, but which at the same time, differentiate one Canadian from another (Johns et al, 2007). There may be some diverse belief systems in this group, comprising of those relating to the French-English alterations and another, harder to describe, based on development in the economy and geographical variety. Regionalism is the final belief system.
The English and French-speaking Canadian political cultures are dissimilar because the two groups have seen diverse patterns of growth and dissimilar systems of education, faith and dialectal. In an example, the French-speaking Quebeckers incline to look towards Québec City for a route while Canadians who speak English in Québec are likely to expect to view Ottawa as a place to get solutions to their problems. In addition, it is obvious that signs such as the flag of Canada and the empire are much less common among Quebeckers who speak French than among those who speak English.
Lastly, Canadians living in diverse areas differ distinctly in the degree to which they belief candidates and government and recognize it as being receptive to their essentials. It is clear, though, that in particular parts of Canada, for example, in western Canada and Québec, a sense of isolation from the central government is old and intensely entrenched.
Political Parties
In Canada, political parties play a key role in democracy and administration, showing a critical link between the public and society (Jackson & Jackson, 2008). It is important to introduce the different types of political parties and the party system at the central level of politics of Canada. This consist of exploring the meaning of a political party, classifying organizations, the Canada’s history of party system, how the political parties operate, and the main issues and discussions concerning politics of parties in the country.
Introduction to Canada’s Political Parties
Political parties are a significant factor of most current political structures. Whereas individuals generally think of administrative parties as being limited to western liberal democracies, this is not normally the situation. Political parties have occurred as general range of political schemes, such as China as a communist state, Iran as a theocratic government, and Saudi Arabia’s’ absolute monarchies.
Students of politics disagree on the definition of political parties though they believe political parties are important entities. In some instances, political parties are groups of influential people that contest contrary to one another for administrative power (Inwood, 2011). In an example, for those that are Marxists, political parties are indicators of battle and fight betw...
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