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Interview Writing Assignment: Where Do You Come From?

Essay Instructions:

Read the book, guidelines, and pictures provided carefully before you start.

You need to transcribe a 5-minutes interview. Choose the right 5 minutes! Transcribe the most sociological interesting or sociological relevant part.

You can make things up, but make sure it looks real. The interviewee should be a second-year student at University of Toronto and should be majoring in sociology. 

There are two interview topics you can choose from and I attached preparations aids for both.

[Ask good questions]Design the questions you are going to ask very carefully and logically. They are an important part of the grades. Also the interviewee's answers you choose to present in the transcript.

You should reference at least one sociological source in the analysis part. One reference should be from Weiss1994 book.

Tips for analysis part: 

- include a short introduction and conclusion about the analysis part

- include your rationale of asking certain questions

- think about why are the answers interesting

- think about relationships between people, relationships between social capital and economic capital.

- Ideas from C.W Mills's Sociological Imagination could help form your analysis part

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Life
Part 1: The Interview
Based on the knowledge that each individual is the driver of their lives and they are the ones who experience their lives fully more than anyone else; I would like to distinguish if identity is shaped by nature or nurture. As my esteemed guest, I would like you to help me answer the question by feeling free to share your life experiences. I am honored to host you. Feel free to ask for clarification where there is a need and to expound on the topics. Your input is highly valued.
Interviewer: What’s your name and where do you come from?
Interviewee: I am Justin Condel from Colorado.
Interviewer: Did you grow up in Colorado or your family moved there?
Interviewee: Okay I wish I grew up in Colorado entirely, but my family moved there from Chicago when I was nine. All in all, I still enjoy the moments I have spent there.
Interviewer: So, that means most of your childhood, you grew up in Chicago and most of your adolescent in Colorado. Childhood moments are what we turn into memories then memories into nostalgia. This must have taken the better part of you due to that shift. How was it like?
Interviewee: Yeah it is true, most of my childhood was in Chicago, and the transition proved to be a hurdle to me. In Chicago, we used to stay in Roscoe Village. In this neighborhood, I can assure you that most of my time was spent in my bedroom with my toys and a few socializing in school. My parents were mostly at work, but we could hook up as a family to go shopping or park or a hike somewhere during the weekend. I left the neighborhood barely knowing anyone apart from my classmates. Then Colorado came. I can assure you that life in Colorado, besides being beautiful, is crazy! My family got five family friends in the neighborhood within the first two months of staying there. I spent most of my weekends hiking with the neighborhood friends I had made. They are still a part of me up to date. What I am trying to say is that the transition from a forced introverted world to an extroverted world was a hurdle, but it was worth it.
Interviewer: You say excitedly that the transition was worth it. Furthermore, you use the word ‘forced’ when describing the introverted world you were living in back in Chicago. What do you mean by the two terms?
Interviewee: By forced introverted world, I mean the environment I lived in back in Colorado, made me believe that I was okay living like an introvert. I realized I was not an introvert when I moved to Colorado. The transition was worth it, especially during my adolescent. I doubt if my parents alone would have had time to take me through that stage. My neighbors did. My friends did. It could have been risky if I continued dwelling on the internet to shape the beliefs I had about my world. As an adolescent with less tutelage of my parents, I could have easily resolved into alcoholism. But I realized skating in the ice, mountain climbing among others was also a way of enjoying life and relieving life stress.
Interviewer: How did you get to choosing and applying for Toronto University?
Interviewee: The simple answer is all my friends were. We wanted to meet at the University as friends and make a life there.
Interviewer: Wow! That’s quite a precise answer! Let’s say you are told to make a movie about your life today. Who would your characters and why?
Interviewee: My friends would; more specifically, my friends Austin and Bradley. They have not only been my next door neighbors but also my brothers. Earlier on I had seen no need of studying further. I am the only child in a wealthy family making me the sole inheritor of the property. Furthermore, am interested in music and I need a life in music. So studying further was my option if I would say. But Austin and Bradley insisted that even if I wasn’t studying for job purposes getting an education was worthwhile. Their frequent visits made my mom start finding time to keeping an eye on me. I would mention my parents too as characters as they have provided me with everything that I need.
Interviewer: A movie has characters. It also has a conflict, then the climax and lastly the resolution. What would these elements be in your movie?
Interviewee: The main issue I had was pursuing higher education. I did no...
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