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Interpersonal Communication DB1: Discuss Your Specific Blend

Essay Instructions:

Carbonell, How to Solve the People Puzzle: Understanding Personality Patterns (2008).
Burley-Allen, Listening: The Forgotten Skill: A Self-Teaching Guide (1995).
Based upon the readings, define behavioral blend. Then, discuss your specific blend and how it impacts your interpersonal communication in terms of how you tend to think, feel, make decisions, and relate to others. How does understanding your behavioral blend and the other readings contribute to defining "enlarging the conversation"?

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Interpersonal Communication DB1
Institution of affiliation
Interpersonal Communication DB1
Behavior blend refers to the unique combination of 4 personality traits that an individual possesses. The blend is based on four temperaments that an individual may possess, it is referred to as the DISC model CITATION Car08 \l 1033 (Carbonell, 2008). The DISC is an acronym that denotes the different traits within the model. These are;
D= Dominant, decisive, direct
I= Inspiring and influential
S= Sensitive and submissive
C=competent, cautious, critical
The DISC model can also be categorized as;
D= Active/ Task oriented
I= Active/ People Oriented
S= Passive/ People Oriented
C=Passive/ Task Oriented
These traits are important in interpersonal communication, and they enable smooth and unfettered communication CITATION Bur95 \l 1033 (Burley-Allen, 1995). The paper will thus conduct a dissection of the writer's behavioral blend with an aim of gaining insight.
My behavioral blend is D/I/C. This means that I am dominant, influential and competent. The combination heavily impacts my conversation. My dominant personality means I always tend to dominate the conversation. Thus I must make a conscious decision to provide the platform for others to speak. As an influential individual, I tend to conceptualize relationships with regard to how they can benefit me. Thus, I make decisions with the end goal of benefiting in some way later on in the relationship. As a competent person, I am demanding of myself and others in work situations. Thus, I will demand the best out of any individual in my team, which can at times cause unnecessary hostility. These personality traits can also contribute to the developm...
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