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Counseling disposition reflection worksheet

Essay Instructions:
The three disposition I choose are psychological fitness because I am aware of my emotional issues, #2 empathy because I understand because I have been through so much of the street life myself and #3 will be genuineness because I do not want to harm any of my clients and I want to earn trust by making a report and being real with my clients. At least 100 words for each of the 5 questions each having its own scholarly references. I need in 7 days which will be 5-25. chapters one and two all other information is added and the book should be one of the references
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Counseling Disposition Reflection Worksheet Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Counseling disposition Dispositions related to cultural competence How the disposition is met Psychological fitness Psychological fitness involves building one's emotional, mental and behavioral abilities in order to cope effectively with challenges of the counseling profession. It includes the way one processes information, feels about the environment and oneself and acts in response to his/her thoughts. To attain this deposition one needs to; Exercise often, is social, stay positive (helps one be resilient in difficult times), be realistic (self-believe and having realistic expectations) and cope with stress. Talking about what is bothering you also can help maintain psychological fitness because it prevents concerns from building up inside you (Corriere, 1979). Empathy Empathy refers to being aware of other people's feelings, emotions, needs, and interests. It helps individuals understand what other people are going through thus developing a link between self and other people. Empathy as a counseling disposition can be met by; 1. Understanding others - through sensing other people's perspectives, feelings and being interested in their concerns. 2. Developing others - acting on other people's concerns and needs. 3. Doing service orientation - putting customer needs first and looking for ways to improve their loyalty and satisfaction. 4. Asking of other people's perspectives regularly and knowing their feelings regarding a situation. 5. Identifying one's feelings first before others to help make proper decisions (Clark, 2007). Genuineness Being genuine refers to being honesty, openness, truthfulness, trustworthy and understanding. Being genuine one is able to model behaviors and encourage others to do the same. Genuineness can be met through behavior understanding of what it is like to be genuine in addition to moral quality which is an essential human value. Being self without changing roles or adapting to be accepted by others helps develop genuineness. That is, one is fully him/herself with his/her faults and limits. Some of the qualities that make up genuineness includes; co...
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